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Ryan Abbott

CTP Graduate Student

Samuel Alipour-fard

CTP Graduate Student

Richard Allen

CTP Graduate Student

Elba Alonso-Monsalve

CTP Graduate Student

Lucas Barreto Alves

CTP Graduate Student

Nina "Galit" Anikeeva

CTP Graduate Student

Philipp Benjamin Aretz

CTP Graduate Student

Artur Avkhadiev

CTP Graduate Student

Shankar Balasubramanian

CTP Graduate Student

Sean Benevedes

Graduate Student

Anthony Chen


Hao Chen


So Chigusa


Soonwon Choi

Victor F. Weisskopf Career Development Assistant Professor of Physics
Research interests are focused on the intersection of quantum information science and out-of-equilibrium dynamics of quantum many-body systems.

Barry Cimring

CTP Graduate Student

Wentao Cui

CTP Graduate Student

Bryce Cyr


William Detmold

Professor of Physics
Graduate Program Faculty Coordinator
Interests are in strong interaction dynamics in theoretical particle and nuclear physics.

Jean Du Plessis

CTP Graduate Student

Netta Engelhardt

Biedenharn Career Development Associate Professor of Physics
Research focuses on understanding the predictions and fundamental structure of quantum gravity via holography and the black hole information paradox.

Edward Farhi

Cecil & Ida Green Professor of Physics, Emeritus
Present interest is the theory of quantum computation.

Anna Ferdinand

CTP Graduate student

Aasmund Folkestad

CTP Graduate Student

Daniel Freedman

Professor of Applied Mathematics and Physics, Emeritus
Discovered supergravity at StonyBrook University with Sergio Ferrrara and Peter van Nieuwenhuizen in 1976.

Yang Fu


Rikab Gambhir

CTP Graduate Student

Anjie Gao

CTP Graduate Student

Jeffrey Goldstone

Professor of Physics, Emeritus
Famous for the discovery of the Nambu–Goldstone boson. He is currently working on quantum computation.

Wenjie Gong

CTP Graduate Student

Jakob Gunther

CTP Graduate Student

Alan Guth

Victor F. Weisskopf Professor of Physics
In 1981, he proposed that many features of our universe can be explained by a new cosmological model which he called inflation.

Matias Gutierrez Escobari

CTP Graduate Student

Daniel Harlow

Jerrold R. Zacharias Career Development Associate Professor of Physics
Works on combining quantum mechanics and gravity, focusing on the quantum-mechanical aspects of black holes and cosmology.

Aram Harrow

Professor of Physics
His research focuses on quantum information and computing.

Ellie Hughes

CTP Grad Student

Mikhail Ivanov

Assistant Professor of Physics
Research focuses on large-scale structure, effective field theories, black holes, and astrophysical and cosmological data analysis.

Robert Jaffe

Otto (1939) and Jane Morningstar Professor of Science, Post-Tenure
Best known for his research on the quark substructure of matter.

Brian Jiang

CTP Graduate Student

David Kaiser

Professor of Physics
Germeshausen Professor of the History of Science (STS)
Research focuses on early-universe cosmology, foundations of quantum theory, and history of modern physics.

Arjun Kudinoor

CTP Graduate Student

Ho Tat Lam


Kyle Lee


Adam Levine


Shing Yan Li

CTP Graduate Student

Joshua Lin

CTP Graduate Student

Hong Liu

Professor of Physics
Interested in issues in quantum gravity, such as the quantum nature of black holes and the Big Bang singularity, using the framework of string theory.

Earle Lomon

Professor of Physics, Emeritus
In Memoriam: 1930-2025
Research interest is quantum chromodynamics (QCD), the dynamics of quarks and gluons.

Angus Lowe

CTP Graduate Student

Raji Maramade

CTP Graduate Student

Daniel Mark

CTP Graduate Student

John Martyn

CTP Graduate Student

Joseph Minahan

Research Visitor

Marianne Moore

CTP Graduate student

Scott Morley

CTP Assistant Director

Mark Mueller

Research Visitor

John Negele

Professor of Physics, Emeritus
Interested in lattice field theory to solve QCD and thereby understand the structure of nucleons in terms of their quark and gluon constituents.

Robert Perry


Saul Pilatowsky Cameo

CTP Graduate Student

Krishna Rajagopal

William A. M. Burden Professor of Physics
Probing the properties, microstructure and phase diagram of hot QCD matter, the primordial liquid.

Dan Roberts

Research Visitor

Alexander Schmidhuber

Graduate Student

Phiala Shanahan

Class of 1957 Career Development Associate Professor of Physics
Research focuses on particle and nuclear theory and applying machine learning to understand the fundamental interactions of nature.

Shu-Heng Shao

Assistant Professor of Physics
Focuses on generalizing the symmetry principle in quantum field theories and lattice models, with applications in HEP, CMT, and quantum gravity.

Ruohan Shen

CTP Graduate Student

Tracy Slatyer

Professor of Physics
Research focuses on dark matter - novel theoretical models, predicting observable signals, and analysis of astrophysical and cosmological datasets.

Manu Srivastava

CTP Graduate Student

Rachel Steinhorst

CTP Graduate Student

Iain Stewart

Otto (1939) and Jane Morningstar Professorship in Science
Professor of Physics
Designs and applies Effective Field Theories to describe physics at collider experiments and to explore the structure of quantum field theory.

Aneca Su

CTP Graduate Student

Charles Suggs

Senior Editorial Assistant

Zhiquan Sun

CTP Graduate Student

Washington Taylor

Professor of Physics
Director, Center for Theoretical Physics
Research is centered on basic theoretical questions related to quantum physics and gravity.

Max Tegmark

Professor of Physics
Research focuses on linking physics and machine learning: using AI for physics and physics for AI.

Jesse Thaler

Professor of Physics
Theoretical particle physicist who fuses techniques from QFT and machine learning to address outstanding questions in fundamental physics.

Julian Urban


Nicolas Valdes

CTP Graduate Student

Aditi Venkatesh

CTP Graduate Student

Frank Wilczek

Herman Feshbach Professor Post-Tenure of Physics
2004 Nobel Laureate
Known for the discovery of asymptotic freedom, the development of quantum chromodynamics, the invention of axions, and more...

Adam Wills

CTP Graduate Student

Bingtian Ye


Ruoyi Yin

CTP graduate student

James Edward Young

Professor of Physics, Emeritus
Researched and taught theoretical particle physics, critical phenomena and nuclear physics in the MIT Center for Theoretical Physics.

Daiming Zhang

CTP Graduate Student

Ying Zhao


Rosemary Zielinski

CTP Graduate Student

Alexander Zlokapa

CTP Graduate Student

Barton Zwiebach

Professor of Physics
Contributed to the early work on the construction of open string field theory and then developed the field theory of closed strings.