Aram Harrow '01 PhD '05
Research Interests
- Theoretical quantum information science
- Quantum algorithms
- The role of quantum information in many-body physics
Biographical Sketch
Aram Harrow grew up in Michigan before attending MIT for his undergraduate (math and physics, 2001) and graduate (physics, 2005) degrees. He then served as a lecturer in the math and computer science departments of the University of Bristol for five years, and as a research assistant professor at the University of Washington for two years. In 2013, he joined the MIT Physics department as an assistant professor. He was promoted to Associate Professor of Physics with tenure in 2018 and to full Professor in 2022.
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Awards & Honors
- 2023 // Simons Investigator
- 2020 // Applied NISQ Computing paper award, USRA-Q2B, 2020 "for the paper Small quantum computers and large classical data sets"
- 2018 // Rolf Landauer and Charles H. Bennett Award in Quantum Computing (APS) "for outstanding accomplishments in the mathematics of quantum information, and the development of new algorithmic primitives for quantum computers."
- 2017 // Best Paper Award, IEEE Information Theory Society
- 2017 // Buechner Faculty Award for Undergraduate Advising, MIT Physics
- 2016 // Kavli Frontiers Fellow
- 2009 // APS Outstanding Referee
Key Publications
Aram W. Harrow. Small quantum computers and large classical data sets.
Fernando G. S. L. Brandao, Aram W. Harrow, Michal Horodecki. Local random quantum circuits are approximate polynomial-designs. Commun. Math. Phys. (2016) vol. 346, no. 2, pp. 397-434.
Charles H. Bennett, Igor Devetak, Aram W. Harrow, Peter W. Shor, Andreas Winter. Quantum Reverse Shannon Theorem. IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, vol. 60, no. 5, pp. 2926-2959, May 2014