Jens Hertkorn, Pappalardo Fellow

Name: Jens Hertkorn
Title: Pappalardo Fellow in Physics: 2024-2027
Phone: 26-255
Office: MIT Department of Physics
77 Massachusetts Avenue, TBA
Cambridge, MA 02139
Related Links:
Pappalardo Fellowships in Physics
Area of Physics
Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics
Research Interests
Jens’ research interests lie broadly at the interdisciplinary interface between atomic and condensed matter physics and in quantum simulation.
During his PhD Jens used Bose-Einstein condensates of strongly magnetic atoms to investigate the formation of an exotic quantum phase known as supersolid where the frictionless flow of a superfluid and the crystalline order of a solid coexist. Jens investigated the collective excitations of such magnetic supersolids and showed that the crystallization mechanism is similar to that of liquid helium. He also predicted that these magnetic Bose-Einstein condensates can self-organize in honeycomb or labyrinthine structures which are candidates for new types of supersolids.
In general the possibility of using a quantum many-body system for realizing different phases of matter relies on a strong and controllable coupling between particles. Jens is interested in building interactions from a single- or few-particle level by trapping particles in optical lattices or tweezers enabling the quantum simulation of strongly correlated condensed matter systems. Using such bottom-up approaches, Jens is interested in understanding and engineering correlations connected to exotic behaviour such as induced superconductivity seen in the field of twistronics. Jens also sees potential in improving the preparation of the quantum state and the classification of correlations using neural networks.
Biographical Sketch
Jens grew up in Stuttgart, Germany. Fascinated by the way humans reason Jens wondered how accurate statements could be made about systems as complex as a human brain. During his teenage years the precise language used in a physics colloquium excited Jens to pursue physics for understanding such complexities in nature.
Jens received his BSc in physics in 2017 from the University of Stuttgart working with Maria Fyta, using density functional theory to understand the electronic structure of defective nanodiamonds. For his MSc in physics Jens joined Tilman Pfau’s group in Stuttgart investigating supersolidity of quantum droplets in ultracold dipolar gases theoretically and graduated 2019 with distinction. Jens continued his PhD in Pfau’s group investigating self-organization of dipolar quantum gases beyond the quantum droplet regime, built a new quantum gas experiment within the group, and independently received funding to probe such self-organization experimentally. Jens graduates with his PhD in physics in 2024.
Selected Publications
- J. Hertkorn, J.-N. Schmidt, M. Guo, F. Böttcher, K. S. H. Ng, S. D. Graham, P. Uerlings, T. Langen, M. Zwierlein, and T. Pfau, “Pattern formation in quantum ferrofluids: From supersolids to superglasses“, Phys. Rev. Research 3, 033125 (2021)
- J. Hertkorn, J.-N. Schmidt, M. Guo, F. Böttcher, K. S. H. Ng, S. D. Graham, P. Uerlings, H. P. Büchler, T. Langen, M. Zwierlein, and T. Pfau, “Supersolidity in Two-Dimensional Trapped Dipolar Droplet Arrays“, Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 155301 (2021)
- J. Hertkorn*, J.-N. Schmidt*, F. Böttcher, M. Guo, M. Schmidt, K. S. H. Ng, S. D. Graham, H. P. Büchler, T. Langen, M. Zwierlein, and T. Pfau, “Density Fluctuations across the Superfluid-Supersolid Phase Transition in a Dipolar Quantum Gas“, Phys. Rev. X 11, 011037 (2021)
- M. Guo*, F. Böttcher*, J. Hertkorn*, J.-N. Schmidt, M. Wenzel, H. P. Büchler, T. Langen, and T. Pfau, “The low-energy Goldstone mode in a trapped dipolar supersolid“, Nature 574, 386-389 (2019)
- F. Böttcher, J.-N. Schmidt, M. Wenzel, J. Hertkorn, M. Guo, T. Langen, and T. Pfau, “Transient Supersolid Properties in an Array of Dipolar Quantum Droplets“, Phys. Rev. X 9, 011051 (2019)