Spring 2024
Colloquium Schedule

THURSDAYS // All talks will take place at 4:00pm ET and held in 10-250 (unless noted).

Note: Refreshments at 3:30pm in 4-349 (Pappalardo Community Room)*
*There cannot be any eating or drinking in 10-250, so please plan to finish your food/drink in 4-349


Frank Wilczek, MIT
Host: Iain Stewart

“QCD Golden Anniversary:, Golden Insights, Golden Future”

Fifty years after the advent of modern QCD, there is much to celebrate. After very briefly sharing some personal memories of the early days and our anxieties about the possibilities for experimental validation and the confinement problem, I will discuss how this questions got successfully resolved. I will conclude by describing open questions at the frontiers of QCD and its application to physical reality.

Time: 4:00 pm
Location: 10-250

Refreshments at 3:30pm in 4-349 (Pappalardo Community Room)*
*There cannot be any eating or drinking in 10-250, so please plan to finish your food/drink in 4-349

FEBRUARY 15, 2024

Lindley Winslow and Jesse Thaler, MIT

“The Coming Decade of Nuclear and Particle Physics”

In 2023, the nuclear and particle physics communities in the United States engaged in comprehensive strategic planning processes to guide the next decade of innovation and discovery.  In this colloquium, we explain the context and motivations for these decadal plans, and we highlight the key decisions that will shape the future of these fields.  From new flagship experiments, to an increased investment in R&D, to supporting a technologically advanced workforce, these plans represent a bold vision for exploring the smallest building blocks and largest structures in the known universe.

Time: 4:00 pm
Location: 3-270 *Note room change

Refreshments at 3:30pm in 4-349 (Pappalardo Community Room)*
*There cannot be any eating or drinking in 10-250, so please plan to finish your food/drink in 4-349

FEBRUARY 22, 2024

Samuel C.C. Ting, MIT
Host: Bolek Wyslouch

“Latest Results from the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the International Space Station”

AMS is a precision particle physics magnetic spectrometer installed on the International Space Station on May 19, 2011. In more than 12 years, it has collected 230 billion charged cosmic rays, from elementary particles to iron nuclei, up to multi-TeV energies. The precision of the spectrometer and its ability to measure elementary particles and nuclei to ~1% accuracy has yielded many surprising results. A selected set of the latest results from AMS will be presented including the studies of dark matter and antimatter. The results cannot be explained by current cosmic ray models.

Time: 4:00 pm
Location: 3-270 *Note room change

Refreshments at 3:30pm in 4-349 (Pappalardo Community Room)*
*There cannot be any eating or drinking in 10-250, so please plan to finish your food/drink in 4-349

FEBRUARY 29, 2024

Matthew Reece, Harvard
Host: Daniel Harlow

“Broken Symmetry Clues for Fundamental Physics”

Symmetries provide a powerful organizing principle in physics. However, there are reasons to believe that exact global symmetries do not exist in consistent quantum-gravitational theories. Thus, we expect all symmetries in the world around us to be at least slightly broken. The extent and nature of symmetry breaking phenomena can offer important clues about fundamental physics. In this talk, I will discuss both phenomenological aspects of broken symmetries, including a look at high-precision experiments searching for flavor- and CP-violating effects; and theoretical aspects, including efforts to better understand the constraints quantum gravity imposes on approximate symmetries.

Time: 4:00 pm
Location: 3-270 *Note room change

Refreshments at 3:30pm in 4-349 (Pappalardo Community Room)*
*There cannot be any eating or drinking in 10-250, so please plan to finish your food/drink in 4-349

MARCH 7, 2024

Saori Pastore, WUSTL
Host: Marianne Moore (Graduate Womxn in Physics)

“Fundamental Physics with Nuclei”

Next-generation experiments are poised to explore lepton-number violation, discern the neutrino mass hierarchy, understand the particle nature of dark matter, and answer other fundamental questions aimed at testing the validity and extent of the Standard Model. Nuclei are used for these high-precision tests of the Standard Model and for searches of physics Beyond the Standard Model. Without a thorough understanding of nuclei, including electroweak structure and reactions, we will not be able to meaningfully interpret the experimental data nor can we disentangle new physics signals from underlying nuclear effects. To describe nuclear properties, I use many-body nuclear interactions and electroweak currents derived in chiral effective field theory, and Quantum Monte Carlo methods to solve for the nuclear structure and dynamics of the many-body problem for nuclei. This microscopic approach yields a coherent picture of the nucleus and its properties, and indicates that many-body effects are essential to accurately explain the data. In this talk, I will report on recent progress in Quantum Monte Carlo calculations of electron and neutrino interactions with nuclei in a wide range of energy and momentum transfer and their connections to current experimental efforts in fundamental symmetries and neutrino physics.

Time: 4:00 pm
Location: 10-250

Refreshments at 3:30pm in 4-349 (Pappalardo Community Room)*
*There cannot be any eating or drinking in 10-250, so please plan to finish your food/drink in 4-349

MARCH 14, 2024

Sara Pozzi, University of Michigan
Hosts: Robert Redwine and William Barletta

“Radiation Detection and Imaging for Nuclear Treaty Verification”

Nuclear treaties play a crucial role in preventing the further spread of nuclear weapons around the world and in ensuring nuclear security. To verify existing and future treaties, new technical approaches that are more robust, faster, and more accurate than existing capabilities are required. Special nuclear material (SNM), i.e., highly enriched uranium and plutonium, is a major focus because it is a required component of a nuclear weapon. Hence, capabilities to detect, locate, and characterize SNM are of great interest in treaty verification. For example, arms control agreements seek to determine the presence (or absence) of SNM in the framework of warhead dismantlement.

Our team has developed a dual particle imaging system capable of detecting, localizing, and characterizing SNM using fast neutron and gamma-ray signatures. The performance of this system has been demonstrated through the detection of neutrons and gamma rays from plutonium and other radiation sources. The experimental results have demonstrated successful localization and characterization of SNM using neutron and gamma-ray imaging. Furthermore, both gamma-ray and neutron spectroscopy were demonstrated and compared to suitable reference spectra. Notably, fast neutron spectroscopy is shown to discriminate plutonium from other neutron sources.

These innovative techniques can support future treaty verification efforts through successful, accurate localization and characterization of SNM, thereby enhancing nuclear security.

Time: 4:00 pm
Location: 10-250

Refreshments at 3:30pm in 4-349 (Pappalardo Community Room)*
*There cannot be any eating or drinking in 10-250, so please plan to finish your food/drink in 4-349

MARCH 21, 2024

Jon Simon, Stanford
Host: Vladan Vuletic

“Making and Probing Quantum Fluids of Light”

In this talk I will describe work in the Simon/Schuster collaboration exploring strongly correlated fluids of states of light. Beginning with an introduction to the analogy between photons in a lattice of cavities and electrons in the ionic lattice comprising a solid, I will focus in on our explorations of such physics in a superconducting quantum circuit, where we have demonstrated the ability to build crystals of light using reservoir engineering, and more recently, adiabatic preparation of fluids. I will then extend the adiabatic preparation protocol to an qubit-controlled protocol, where we entangle the state of the fluid with the state of a qubit. By subsequently undoing this entanglement and sandwiching this entanglement/disentanglement sequence within a Ramsey protocol commonly employed in atomic clocks, we are able to learn about the manybody system through the auxiliary qubit. We use this new tool as a thermodynamic probe of the manybody system, and even enhance its coherence through manybody spin-echo. This work will lead us to the question: can small quantum computers fundamentally change how we probe materials? 

Time: 4:00 pm
Location: 3-270 (Note room change)

Refreshments at 3:30pm in 4-349 (Pappalardo Community Room)*
*There cannot be any eating or drinking in 10-250, so please plan to finish your food/drink in 4-349

MARCH 28, 2024

Spring Break – no colloquium scheduled

APRIL 4, 2024

Tanya Zelevinsky, Columbia
Host: Wolfgang Ketterle

“Clocks and precision measurements with ultracold molecules”

Much of our physical understanding has developed from increasingly precise atomic spectroscopy. The level of precision entered a new realm with the advent of laser cooling and trapping. Now we can extend the ultrahigh spectroscopic precision, or atomic clock technology, to more complex quantum particles such as diatomic molecules. The ability to quantify molecular degrees of freedom, for example nuclear vibrations, with nearly atomic-clock level precision shines a light on their previously unseen properties. Furthermore, it suggests possibilities to utilize the high precision for uncovering fundamental aspects of physical interactions, including improved tests of Newtonian gravity at the nanometer scale.

Time: 4:00 pm
Location: 10-250

Refreshments at 3:30pm in 4-349 (Pappalardo Community Room)*
*There cannot be any eating or drinking in 10-250, so please plan to finish your food/drink in 4-349

APRIL 11, 2024

Rob Pisarski, Brookhaven
Host: Salvatore Pace

“The Ugly Duckling and the Swan: the Quark-Gluon Plasma and heavy ion collisions”

I give a pedagogical and historical overview of the search for the Quark-Gluon plasma (QGP) in the collisions of heavy ions. I begin with a brief review of why we expect a QGP to be formed at high temperature. In this, numerical simulations in lattice Quantum ChromoDynamics (QCD) form the bedrock of the field. In particular, they demonstrate the relationship between deconfinement and the restoration of chiral symmetry. At the SPS at CERN, I discuss the suppression of J/Psi mesons, and the excess of dileptons below the rho meson. Bjorken first noticed that a “plateau” may emerge at high energies, and produce a regime at high temperature, and low chemical potential. At colliders such as RHIC, at Brookhaven, and the LHC, at CERN, I discuss two notable signals: the utility of nearly ideal hydrodynamics, and jet quenching. The new frontier is going down to moderate collision energies, which there is net excess of baryons. Possible phenomena in this region include a critical end point and moat regimes.

Time: 4:00 pm
Location: 10-250

Refreshments at 3:30pm in 4-349 (Pappalardo Community Room)*
*There cannot be any eating or drinking in 10-250, so please plan to finish your food/drink in 4-349

APRIL 18, 2024

Philip Phillips, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Host: Liang Fu

“Solving the Mott Problem”

Superconductivity in the copper-oxide ceramics remains a grand challenge in theoretical physics because of the paucity of tools to treat strongly coupled systems. In such systems, all intuition based on single-particle physics fails. Precisely what the propagating degrees of freedom are is the problem. In the context of the cuprates, the failure of the single-particle paradigm appears in the form of the Mott problem. I will introduce this problem and show that a resolution lies in a rather unexpected mapping. The mapping relies on a hidden symmetry in Fermi liquids which helps anchor a new fixed point that encompasses Mottness. I will also show how differently superconductivity emerges at this fixed point.

Time: 4:00 pm
Location: 10-250

Refreshments at 3:30pm in 4-349 (Pappalardo Community Room)*
*There cannot be any eating or drinking in 10-250, so please plan to finish your food/drink in 4-349

APRIL 25, 2024

Sakura Schafer-Nameki, Oxford
Host: Hong Liu

“New Phases of Matter from New Symmetries”

Symmetries provide a powerful organizational principle for phases of matter. Recent years have seen new symmetries being uncovered in quantum systems in various dimensions, which go beyond the commonly studied symmetries, which form groups. The distinguishing feature of these new symmetries is that composition is not necessarily invertible. Such symmetries turn out to be ubiquitous in quantum field theories, as well as low-dimensional quantum systems and provide powerful tools to constrain their IR physics. We will provide an overview of the recent excitement in this field, and illustrate the power of these symmetries by developing a generalized Landau paradigm of phase transitions in 1+1d quantum systems.

Time: 4:00 pm
Location: 10-250

Refreshments at 3:30pm in 4-349 (Pappalardo Community Room)*
*There cannot be any eating or drinking in 10-250, so please plan to finish your food/drink in 4-349

MAY 2, 2024

Pappalardo Fellowships in Physics Symposium

MAY 9, 2024

Simona Vegetti, Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics and Former Pappalardo Fellow, 2010–2013
Host: Paul Schechter

“Strong Gravitational Lensing as a Probe of Dark Matter

 The Cold Dark Matter model for structure formation is currently the most successful at reproducing many observations, but it remains largely untested in the non-linear sub-galactic regime. A clear prediction of this model is that a significant number of low-mass haloes should populate any galaxy and its line of sight. As most of these objects are expected to be completely dark, strong gravitational lensing provides a unique channel to detect them and determine the properties of dark matter by constraining the halo-mass function at the low-mass end.   

In this talk, I will review the current status of the field and present the latest observational constraints on the halo mass function. I will discuss the most significant challenges in robustly constraining the properties of dark matter with strong gravitational lensing observations, particularly focusing on the main sources of systematic errors from both the observational and theoretical sides of the problem. I will then focus on the expected role of existing and upcoming observing facilities such as Euclid, ELTs, SKA, and the ngVLA in this field.

Time: 4:00 pm
Location: 3-270 (Note room change)

Refreshments at 3:30pm in 4-349 (Pappalardo Community Room)*
*There cannot be any eating or drinking in 10-250, so please plan to finish your food/drink in 4-349

MAY 16, 2024

Iain Couzin, Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior
Host: Nikta Fakhri

“Spatiotemporal computation in collectives”

 In 1905 the biologist Edmund Selous wrote of his wonderment when observing a flock of starlings flying overhead “they circle; now dense like a polished roof, now disseminated like the meshes of some vast all-heaven-sweeping net…wheeling, rending, darting…a madness in the sky”. He went on to speculate “They must think collectively, all at the same time, or at least in streaks or patches — a square yard or so of an idea, a flash out of so many brains”. Today, we still know relatively little about how social interactions connect brains together—and thus how sensing and information processing arises in such organismal collectives. Employing automated tracking, computational reconstruction of sensory information, and immersive ‘holographic’ virtual reality (VR) experiments, I will explore geometric principles of collective decision-making that occur across scales of biological organization, from neural dynamics to animal collectives. In doing so I will explain why classical models from non-linear statistical physics fail to account for collective behavior. I will present several new theoretical frameworks, including active inference and neural ring attractor networks, that do account for key experimental findings and challenge long-held beliefs about how order can emerge from disorder within animal collectives.

Time: 4:00 pm
Location: 3-270* (NOTE ROOM CHANGE)

Refreshments at 3:30pm in 4-349 (Pappalardo Community Room)*
*There cannot be any eating or drinking in 10-250, so please plan to finish your food/drink in 4-349

Fall 2023

  • Marianna Safronova, University of Delaware
    Host: Vladan Vuletic
  • Xiaodong Xu, University of Washington
    Host: Liang Fu
  • Naoko Kurahashi Neilson, Drexel University
    Host: Janet Conrad
  • Fiona Harrison, Caltech
    Host: Deepto Chakrabarty
  • Salvatore Vitale, MIT
    Host: Deepto Chakrabarty
  • Stefania Gori, UC Santa Cruz
    Host: Graduate Womxn in Physics
  • Brian Metzger, Flatiron University
    Host: Salvatore Vitale
  • William Bialek, Princeton University
    Host: Arup Chakraborty
  • Tracy Northup, University of Innsbruck
    Host: Graduate Womxn in Physics
  • Robert Schoelkopf, Yale University
    Host: Isaac Chuang
  • Nathan Seiberg, Institute for Advanced Study
    Host: Daniel Harlow
  • Carl Bender, Washington University in St. Louis
    Host: Salvatore Pace
  • Peter Zoller, University of Innsbruck & IQOQI
    Host: Soonwon Choi

Spring 2023

  • Liam McAllister, Cornell
    Host: Washington Taylor
  • Netta Engelhardt, MIT
    Host: Washington Taylor
  • Evelyn Tang, Rice
    Host: Salvatore Pace
  • Maura McLaughlin, West Virginia University
    Host: Salvatore Vitale
  • Aram Harrow ’01 PhD ’05, MIT
    Host: TBA
    2023 Graduate Open House Colloquium
  • David Keith, UChicago
    Host: David Pritchard
  • Kyle Leach, Facility for Rare Isotope Beams and Colorado School of Mines
    Host: Joseph Formaggio
  • Antoine Browaeys, Institut d’Optique Graduate School, CNRS
    Host: Vladan Vuletic
  • Julianne DalCanton, Center for Computational Astrophysics, Flatiron Institute
    Host: Rob Simcoe
  • Michal Lipson, Columbia
    Host: Marin Soljacic
  • Yonit Hochberg, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
    Host: Sarah Geller, Graduate Womxn in Physics (GWIP)
  • Vincenzo Vitelli, UChicago
    Host: Riccardo Comin

Fall 2022

  • Michelle Soley, University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Host: Peter Fisher
  • Shinsei Ryu, Princeton
    Host: Salvatore Pace
  • Clifford Johnson, USC
    Host: Netta Engelhardt
  • Michal Lipson, Columbia University
    Host: Marin Soljacic
  • Brian Nord, FNAL
    2022 Pappalardo Fellowships Colloquium
    Host: Jesse Thaler
  • Feng Wang, UC Berkeley
    Host: Long Ju
  • Mariangela Lisanti, Princeton
    Host: GWIP (Sarah Geller)
  • Victoria Kaspi, McGill U.
    Host: Kiyoshi Masui
  • Or Hen, MIT
    Host: TBD
  • Marcia Rieke, U Arizona
    Host: Rob Simcoe
  • Riccardo Comin, MIT
    Host: Nuh Gedik
  • Ashutosh Kotwal, Duke
    Host: Phil Harris

Spring 2022

  • Annie Kritcher, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
    Host: Peter Fisher
  • Martin Greenwald, MIT-PSFC
    Host: Miklos Porkolab
  • Phiala Shanahan, MIT
    Host: Iain Stewart
  • Andrei Bernevig, Princeton
    Host: Salvatore Pace
  • Chris Monroe, Duke
    Host: Aram Harrow
  • Almudena Arcones, TU Darmstadt
    Host: Phiala Shanahan
  • Caterina Vernieri, SLAC
    Host: Phil Harris
  • Lina Necib, MIT
    Host: Robert Simcoe
  • Justin Read, University of Surrey
    Host: Lina Necib
  • Alison Sweeney, Yale
    Host: MIT Graduate Womxn in Physics
  • Richard Milner, MIT
    Host: Or Hen
  • Or Hen, MIT
    Host: Peter Fisher
    2022 Graduate Open House Colloquium
  • Jie Shan, Cornell
    Host: Long Ju
  • Donna Strickland, University of Waterloo (Nobel Laureate, Physics 2018)
    Host: Sarah Geller, Graduate Womxn in Physics

Fall 2021

  • Benjamin Safdi, University of California at Berkeley
    Host: Jesse Thaler
  • Geoff Penington, University of California at Berkeley
    Host: Netta Engelhardt
  • Alejandro Rodriguez, Princeton University
    Host: Marin Soljačić
  • Julien Tailleur, Université de Paris-CNRS
    Host: TBA
  • Joshua Frieman, University of Chicago/Fermilab
    Host: Paul Schechter
    2021 Pappalardo Distinguished Lecture
  • Selim Jochim, Universität Heidelberg
    Hosts: Martin Zwierlein
  • Sarah T. Stewart, University of California, Davis
    Host: Nergis Mavalvala
  • Michael McDonald, MIT
    Host: Robert Simcoe
  • Daniel Harlow, MIT
    Host: Barton Zwiebach
  • Klaus Baum, MPI Heidelberg
    Host: Ronald Fernando Garcia Ruiz
  • Ana Maria Rey, JILA/NIST
    Host: Sarah Geller, Graduate Womxn in Physics
  • Nikta Fakhri, MIT
    Host: Mehran Kardar

Spring 2021

  • CHRISTOPHER HENDON, University of Oregon
    Host: Tracy Slatyer
  • REBECCA SURMAN, University of Notre Dame
    Host: Tracy Slatyer
  • HOLGER MÜLLER, University of California, Berkeley
    Host: Vladan Vuletić
    Host: Aram Harrow
  • DORIT AHARONOV, Hebrew University
    Hosts: Sarah Geller and Wenzer Qin of Graduate Womxn in Physics (GWIP)
    Host: Peter Fisher
  • MARLA GEHA, Yale University
    Host: Michael McDonald
  • JELENA VUČKOVIĆ, Stanford University
    Host: Marin Soljacic
  • DAVID MOORE, Yale University
    Host: Philip Harris
  • LEE ROBERTS, Boston University
    Host: Philip Harris
  • ANDRÉ DE GOUVÊA, Northwestern
    Host: Jesse Thaler
  • VEDIKA KHEMANI, Stanford University
    Host: Shreya Vardhan, Physics Graduate Students Council
  • ALI YAZDANI, Princeton University
    Host: Long Ju

Fall 2020

  • Nigel Goldenfeld, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
    Host: Hong Liu
  • Andrey Varlamov, Institute of Superconductivity and Innovation Materials (SPIN-CNR), Italy
    Host: Leonid Levitov
  • Frank Wilczek, MIT
    Host: Phiala Shanahan
  • Max Shulaker, MIT
    Host: Peter Fisher
  • Joseph Checkelsky, MIT
    Host: TBD
  • Sara Seager, MIT
    Host: Peter Fisher
  • Mei-Yin Chou, Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan
    Host: Wenzer Qin/Sarah Geller
  • Mari Carmen Bañuls
    Host: William Detmold
  • Chandralekha Singh, University of Pittsburgh
    Host: Edmund Bertschinger
  • Natalia Toro, Stanford University
    Host: Philip Harris
  • Peter Onyisi, University of Texas, Austin
    Host: Philip Harris
  • Nadar Engheta, University of Pennsylvania
    Host: Marin Soljačić

Spring 2020

  • NADYA MASON, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
    Host: Graduate Women in Physics
    Host: Jesse Thaler
  • L. MAHADEVAN, Harvard University
    Host: Nikta Fakhri
  • SHAHAL ILANI, Weizmann Institute
    Host: Raymond Ashoori
  • ADAM RIESS, Johns Hopkins University
    Host: Salvatore Vitale
    DONNA STRICKLAND, University of Waterloo
    Host: Graduate Women in Physics
    SCOTT GAUDI, Ohio State University
    Host: Scott Hughes
    Graduate Student Open House Colloquium
    Host: Peter Fisher
    JOHN MARTINIS, Google and UCSB
    Host: Aram Harrow
    ASIMINA ARVANITAKI, Perimeter Institute
    Host: Tracy Slatyer
    JENNY GREENE, Princeton University
    Host: Mike McDonald/Scott Hughes
    LEE ROBERTS, Boston University
    Host: Philip Harris
    KYLE CRANMER, New York University
    Host: Phiala Shanahan

Fall 2019

  • John Parmentola, RAND Corporation
    Physics in the Interest of Society Lecture
    Host: Robert Jaffe
  • Mark Vogelsberger, MIT
    Host: Robert Simcoe
  • Dan Marrone, University of Arizona
    Host: Salvatore Vitale & Scott Hughes
  • Yen-Jie Lee, MIT
    Host: Bolek Wyslouch
  • Nick Giordano, Auburn University
    Host: Greg Fiete
  • Joseph Formaggio, MIT
    Host: Peter Fisher
  • Eliot Quataert, UC Berkeley
    Pappalardo Distinguished Lecture
    Host: Peter Fisher
  • Haiyan Gao, Duke University
    Host: Phiala Shanahan
  • Aleksandra Walczak, CNRS and ENS, Paris
    Host: Leonid Levitov and Arup Chakraborty
  • Erwin Frey, Arnold-Sommerfeld-Center, LMU Munich
    Host: Nikta Fakhri
  • Allan MacDonald, University of Texas, Austin
    Host: Long Ju
  • Uwe-Jens Wiese, Institute for Theoretical Physics; Albert Einstein Center for Fundamental Physics, University of Bern
    Host: William Detmold and Phiala Shanahan
  • Ibrahim Cissé, MIT
    Host: Mehran Kardar

Spring 2019

  • Frederick Salvucci, MIT
    Host: Peter Fisher
  • Douglas Stanford, IAS/Stanford University
    Host: Daniel Harlow
  • Joel Fajans, UC Berkeley
    Host: Miklos Porkolab
  • Andrea Young, UC Santa Barbara
    Host: Ray Ashoori
  • Gianluca Gregori, Oxford University
    Host: Nuno Loureiro
  • Nilanga Liyanage, University of Virginia
    Host: Or Hen
  • Gregory Eyink, Johns Hopkins University
    Host: Hong Liu
  • Marin Soljačić, MIT
    Host: TBA
  • Angela Olinto, University of Chicago
    Host: Jacqueline Hewitt
  • Alexander Grosberg, New York University
    Host: Arup Chakraborty
  • Hans-Walter Rix, Max Planck Institute for Astronomy
    Host: Paul Schechter
  • Francesca Ferlaino, University of Innsbruck
    Host: Martin Zwierlein
  • Clifford Cheung, Caltech
    Host: SPS/UWIP

Fall 2018

  • Tracy Slatyer, MIT
    Host: TBA
  • George Zweig, RLE@MIT
    Host: Frank Wilczek
  • Ila Fiete, MIT BCS
    Host: Mehran Kardar
  • Waseem Bakr, Princeton University
    Host: Martin Zwierlein
  • Ramesh Narayan, Harvard University
    Pappalardo Distinguished Lecture
    Host: TBA
  • Jochen Mannhart, Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research
    Host: Riccardo Comin
  • David DeMille, Yale University
    Host: David Pritchard
  • Nevin Weinberg, MIT
    Host: TBA
  • Mike Williams, MIT
    Host: Robert Redwine
  • William Detmold, MIT
    Host: Iain Stewart

Spring 2018

  • Jennifer Hoffman, Harvard University
    Host: SPS
  • Raphael Bousso, University of California, Berkeley
    Host: Daniel Harlow
  • Lorenzo Sironi, Columbia University
    Host: Nuno Loureiro
  • Eli Zeldov, Weizmann Institute of Science
    Host: Leonid Levitov
  • Licia Verde, Catalan Institution for Research and Advanced Studies and Institute of Cosmological Sciences – University of Barcelona
    Host: Salvatore Vitale
  • Monika Schleier-Smith, Stanford University
    Host: GWIP
  • Feryal Ozel, University of Arizona
    Host: Deepto Chakrabarty
  • Rainer Weiss, MIT on behalf of the LIGO Scientific Collaboration
    Host: Peter Fisher
  • Jian-Wei Pan, University of Science and Technology of China
    Host: PGSC
  • Gregory Falkovich, Weizmann Institute of Science
    Host: Leonid Levitov
  • Kate Scholberg, Duke University
    Host: Lindley Winslow
  • Daniel Ralph, Cornell University
    Host: Ray Ashoori
  • Joshua Frieman, Fermilab and the University of Chicago
    Host: Paul Schechter

Fall 2017

  • Savas Dimopoulos, Stanford University
    Host: Jesse Thaler
  • Jeremy England, MIT
    Host: Mehran Kardar
  • Eric Cornell, JILA, NIST, and the Department of Physics, University of Colorado at Boulder
    Host: Wolfgang Ketterle/David Pritchard
  • Dmitri Basov, Columbia University
    Host: Pablo Jarillo-Herrero/Nuh Gedik
  • Andrew Strominger, Harvard University
    Host: PGSC
  • Tulika Bose, Boston University
    Host: GWIP
  • Thomas Sunn Pedersen, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics
    Host: Nuno Loureiro
  • Eliezer Rabinovici, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
    Host: Daniel Harlow
  • Doug Finkbeiner, Harvard University
    Host: Tracy Slatyer
  • Andrea Ghez, UCLA
    Pappalardo Distinguished Lecture
    Host: Deepto Chakrabarty
  • Wei Li, Rice University
    Host: Yen-Jie Lee
  • Xiangdong Ji, University of Maryland, College Park & Shanghai Jiao Tong University
    Host: Tracy Slatyer
  • Steven Gubser, Princeton University
    Host: SPS

Spring 2017

  • Bernhard Keimer, Max-Planck-Institute for Solid State Research
    Host: Riccardo Comin
  • Samuel C.C. Ting, MIT
    Host: Peter Fisher
  • Zoran Hadzibabic, University of Cambridge
    Host: Martin Zwierlein
  • Liang Fu, MIT
    Host: Senthil Todadri
  • Amanda Weltman, University of Cape Town
    Host: Janet Conrad
  • James J. Collins, Broad Institute of MIT & Harvard
    Host: Mehran Kardar
  • Matthew Schwartz, Harvard University
    Host: SPS
  • Edmund Bertschinger, MIT
    Host: Peter Fisher & SPS
  • Sarah Demers, Yale University
    Host: GWIP
  • Deborah Harris, Fermilab
    Host: Lindley Winslow
  • Volker Springel, Heidelberg University
    Host: Mark Vogelsberger
  • Dragan Huterer, University of Michigan
    Host: PGSC
  • Edward Prather, University of Arizona
    Host: Matthew Evans
  • Chung-Pei Ma, University of California, Berkeley
    Host: TBD
  • Ulf-G. Meissner, University of Bonn & Forschungszentrum Julich
    Host: William Detmold

Fall 2016

  • Matthew P.A. Fisher, University of California, Santa Barbara
    Host: PGSC
  • Jeff Gore, MIT
    Host: Mehran Kardar
  • Robert Schoelkopf, Yale University
    Host: Isaac Chuang
  • Anna Frebel, MIT
    Host: Deepto Chakrabarty
  • Eliezer Piasetzky, Tel Aviv University
    Host: Or Hen
  • Jesse Thaler, MIT
    Host: Krishna Rajagopal
  • Aram Harrow, MIT
    Host: Edward Farhi
  • Risa Wechsler, Stanford University
    Host: Nergis Mavalvala
  • Mariangela Lisanti, Princeton University
    Host: GWIP
  • M. Cristina Marchetti, Syracuse University
    Host: Mehran Kardar
  • Mordechai (Moti) Segev, Israel Institute of Technology
    Host: Marin Soljačić
  • Kerstin Perez, MIT
    Host: Yen-Jie Lee
  • Sean Carroll, Caltech
    Host: SPS

Spring 2016

  • Dan Harlow, Harvard University
    Host: Hong Liu
  • Zheng-Tian Lu, University of Science and Technology of China
    Host: Yen-Jie Lee
  • Zohar Komargodski, Weizmann Institute of Science
    Host: Hong Liu
  • Rainer Weiss, MIT
    Host: Peter Fisher
  • Sheperd Doeleman, MIT Haystack Observatory
    Host: Scott Hughes
  • Hari Manoharan, Stanford University
    Host: Ray Ashoori
  • Michael Desai, Harvard University
    Host: Jeff Gore
  • Terence Hwa, University of California, San Diego
    Host: PGSC
  • R. Scott Kemp, MIT
    Host: SPS
  • Nai Phuan Ong, Princeton University
    Host: Joe Checkelsky
  • Alexandra von Meier, California Institute for Energy and Environment
    Physics in the Interest of Society Colloquium
    Host: Peter Fisher
  • Lindley Winslow, MIT
    Host: GWIP
  • Savas Dimopoulos, Stanford University
    Host: Jesse Thaler
  • Tilman Pfau, University of Stuttgart
    Host: Martin Zwierlein

Fall 2015

  • Suchitra Sebastian, University of Cambridge
    Host: MIT GWIP
  • Markus Klute, MIT
    Host: Bolek Wyslouch
  • Gregory Boebinger, National HIgh Magnetic Field Laboratory
    Host: Patrick Lee
  • Paul Schechter, MIT
    Host: Peter Fisher
  • John Carlstrom, University of Chicago
    Pappalardo Distinguished Lecture
    Host: Robert Simcoe
  • Homer Reid, MIT
    Host: MIT SPS
  • Joerg Schmiedmayer, Vienna Center for Quantum Science and Technology (VCQ), Atominstitut, TU-Wien
    Host: Wolfgang Ketterle
  • Brian Keating, University of California, San Diego
    Host: Andrew Friedman
  • Gavin Crooks, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
    Host: MIT PGSC
  • Xiaowei Zhuang, Howard Hughes Medical Institute and Harvard University
    Host: Ibrahim Cissé
  • Alberto Nicolis, Columbia University
    Host: Jesse Thaler
  • Pratheev Sreetharan, Vibrant Composites Inc.
    Host: Peter Fisher
  • Selim Jochim, University of Heidelberg
    Host: Martin Zwierlein

Spring 2015

  • Markus Oberthaler, University of Heidelberg
    Host: Vladan Vuletić
  • Anna Watts, University of Amsterdam
    Host: Deepto Chakrabarty
  • Jean Dalibard, Collège de France
    Host: Wolfgang Ketterle
  • Andrei Kounine, MIT
    Host: Peter Fisher
  • Francis Gavin, MIT
    Physics in the Interest of Society Colloquium
    Host: Peter Fisher
  • Surya Ganguli, Stanford University
    Host: Nikta Fakhri
  • Christopher Fryer, Los Alamos National Laboratory
    Host: Deepto Chakrabarty
  • Jacqueline Hewitt, MIT Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research
    Host: Deepto Chakrabarty
  • Cristian Urbina, CEA-Saclay
    Host: Pablo Jarillo-Herrero
  • Nima Arkani-Hamed, Institute for Advanced Study
    Host: MIT Society of Physics Students
  • Alexander Polyakov, Princeton University
    Host: MIT Physics Graduate Student Council
  • Arup Chakraborty, MIT
    Host: Mehran Kardar
  • Michael Brenner, Harvard University
    Host: Jeremy England
  • Michel Devoret, Yale University
    Host: Isaac Chuang

Fall 2014

  • David Pritchard, MIT
    Host: Peter Fisher
  • Allan Adams, MIT
    Host: Edward Farhi
  • Duncan Brown, Syracuse University
    Host: Matthew Evans
  • Steven Johnson, MIT
    Host: MIT SPS
  • Alyssa Goodman, Harvard University
    Pappalardo Distinguished Lecture
    Host: Jesse Thaler
  • Nuh Gedik, MIT
    Host: Marc Kastner
  • Pablo Jarillo-Herrero, MIT
    Host: Raymond Ashoori
  • Beate Heinemann, University of California Berkeley
    Host: Markus Klute
  • Juan Maldacena, Institute for Advanced Study
    Host: Jesse Thaler
  • Steven Block, Stanford University
    Host: Ibrahim Cissé
  • John Marko, Northwestern University
    Host: Leonid Mirny
  • John Preskill, California Institute of Technology
    Host: MIT PGSC
  • Omar Hurricane, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
    Host: Peter Fisher

Spring 2014

  • John Doyle, Harvard University
    Host: Wolfgang Ketterle
  • Daniel Rothman, Lorenz Center, Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences, MIT
    Host: Mehran Kardar
  • James Acton, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
    Physics in the Interest of Society Colloquium
    Host: Aron Bernstein
  • Ashvin Vishwanath, University of California, Berkeley
    Host: Nuh Gedik
  • Paul Steinhardt, Princeton University
    Host: Society of Physics Students
  • Subir Sachdev, Harvard University
    Host: Physics Graduate Student Council
  • Ken Alder, Northwestern University
    Host: Peter Fisher
  • Max Tegmark, MIT
    Host: Peter Fisher
  • Andrea Cavalleri, Max Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter, Hamburg; Department of Physics, University of Oxford
    Host: Nuh Gedik
  • Dan Stamper-Kurn, University of California, Berkeley
    Host: Wolfgang Ketterle
  • Michael Ramsey-Musole, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
    Host: Jesse Thaler
  • Fiona Harrison, California Institute of Technology
    Host: Deepto Chakrabarty
  • Itai Cohen, Cornell University
    Host: Jeremy England
  • Ana Maria Rey, JILA, NIST and, University of Colorado, Boulder
    Host: Undergraduate Women in Physics

Fall 2013

  • Barbara Jones, IBM Almaden Research Center
    Host: Graduate Women in Physics
  • Stefan Westerhoff, University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Host: Markus Klute
  • Vladan Vuletic, MIT
    Host: Wolfgang Ketterle
  • Samuel Ting, MIT
    Host: Robert Redwine
  • Vicky Kaspi, McGill University
    Pappalardo Distinguished Lecture
    Host: Deepto Chakrabarty
  • Anton Zeilinger, University of Vienna and Austrian Academy of Sciences
    Host: David Pritchard
  • Matthias Troyer, ETH Zurich
    Host: Edward Farhi
  • David Griffiths, Reed College
    Host: MIT Society of Physics Students
  • Maria Zuber, MIT
    Host: Matthew Evans
  • Stephan Grill, Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics
    Host: Jeremy England
  • Immanuel Bloch, Max-Planck Institute of Quantum Optics and Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
    Host: PGSC
  • Enectali Figueroa-Feliciano, MIT
    Host: Peter Fisher
  • Julia Yeomans, University of Oxford
    Host: Jeremy England

Spring 2013

  • MIchael Berry, Bristol University, UK
    Host: PGSC
  • Bulbul Chakraborty, Brandeis University
    Host: Mehran Kardar
  • Frank Von Hippel, Princeton University, Co-chair, International Panel on Fissile Materials and MIT ‘59
    Physics in the Interest of Society Colloquium
    Host: Aron Bernstein
  • Shrinivas Kulkarni, California Institute of Technology
    Host: Nevin Weinberg
  • Tilman Esslinger, ETH Zurich
    Host: Vladan Vuletic
  • Young Lee, MIT
    Host: Society of Physics Students
  • Norman Christ, Columbia University
    Host: William Detmold
  • Markus Klute, MIT
    Host: Jesse Thaler
  • Megan Urry, Yale University
    Host: Graduate Women In Physics
  • Ali Yazdani, Princeton University
    Host: Nuh Gedik
  • Jan Zaanen, Leiden University
    Host: Hong Liu
  • Andreas Adelmann, Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI)
    Host: Markus Klute
  • Eva Andrei, Rutgers University
    Host: Pablo Jarillo-Herrero
  • Sharad Ramanathan, Harvard University
    Host: Jeff Gore

Fall 2012

  • Gavin Salam, CERN and Princeton University
    Host: Jesse Thaler
  • Edward Wright, University of California, Los Angeles
    Host: Josh Winn
  • John McGreevy, MIT
    Host: Eddie Farhi
  • Phil Nelson, University of Pennsylvania
    Host: Jeff Gore
  • Paul Ginsparg, Cornell University
    Host: PGSC
  • Rob Simcoe, MIT
    Host: Deepto Chakrabarty
  • Andre De Gouvea, Northwestern University
    Host: Janet Conrad
  • Alan Guth, MIT
    Host: Society of Physics Students
  • Zvonimir Dogic, Brandeis University
    Host: Mehran Kardar
  • Timothy M. Swager, MIT
    Host: Nuh Gedik
  • Joel Moore, University of California, Berkeley
    Host: Liang Fu
  • Geoff Marcy, University of California, Berkeley
    Pappalardo Distinguished Lecture
    Host: Sara Seager

Spring 2012

  • Adam Cohen, Harvard University
  • Martin Zwierlein, MIT
  • Xiao-Gang Wen, MIT
  • Robert Geroch, University of Chicago
  • Deborah Jin, NIST and University of Colorado
  • Ray Jayawardhana, University of Toronto
  • Ian Spielman, Joint quantum institute; NIST and the University of Maryland
  • Tony Heinz, Columbia University
  • Nadya Mason, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • Andreas Karch, University of Washington
  • Taekjip Ha, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • Gunther Roland, MIT
  • Seth Lloyd, MIT
  • Eric Mazur, Harvard University

Fall 2011

  • Leon Balents, University of California – Santa Barbara
    Host: Senthil Todadri
  • Stanislas Leibler, Rockefeller University and Institute for Advanced Study
    Host: Mehran Kardar
  • Michael Nielsen
    Host: Society of Physics Students
  • Jan Egedal-Pedersen, MIT
    Host: Patrick Lee
  • Joseph Formaggio, MIT
    Host: Peter Fisher
  • Markus Greiner, Harvard University
    Host: Martin Zwierlein
  • Adam Riess, Johns Hopkins University and Space Telescope Science Institute
    Pappalardo Distinguished Lecture
    Host: Edmund Bertschinger
  • Joshua Winn, MIT
    Host: Sara Seager
  • Richard Garwin, IBM Fellow Emeritus
    Host: Aron Bernstein
  • Harold Hwang, Stanford University and SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
    Host: Patrick Lee
  • Jelena Vuckovic, Stanford University
    Host: Vladan Vuletic
  • Zhi-Xun Shen, Stanford University
    Host: Physics Graduate Student Council
  • Steven Nahn, MIT
    Host: Christoph Paus

Spring 2011

  • Julianne Dalcanton, University of Washington
  • Yuri Oganessian, Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions, JINR
  • David DeMille, Yale University
  • John Bush, MIT
  • Amir Yacoby, Harvard University
  • Daniel Eisenstein, University of Arizona
  • François Bouchet, Institut d’Astrophysique de Paris, CNRS & UPMC-Sorbonnes Universités
  • Charles Kane, University of Pennsylvania
  • David Kleinfeld, University of California at San Diego
  • Ann Nelson, University of Washington
  • Steve Simon, University of Oxford
  • Raphael Bousso, University of California at Berkeley
  • Steve Giddings, University of California at Santa Barbara
  • Yves Couder, Laboratoire Matière et Systèmes Complexes, Université Paris Diderot -Paris

Fall 2010

  • Jennifer Chayes, Microsoft Research New England
  • Jack Lissauer, NASA Ames Research Center
  • Bernd Surrow, MIT
  • Marin Soljačić, MIT
  • Leonid Mirny, MIT
  • David Leeson, Stanford University
  • Homer Neal, University of Michigan
  • Charles Dermer, Naval Research Laboratory
  • Tom Levenson, MIT
  • Naama Barkai, Weizmann Institute of Science
  • Philip Kim, Columbia University
  • Adam Bernstein, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Spring 2010

  • Andrew Strominger, Harvard University
  • Frank Wilczek, MIT
  • Samuel Ting, MIT
  • Daniel Prober, Yale University
  • Heidi Newberg, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
  • Margaret Gardel, University of Chicago
  • Mikhail Lukin, Harvard University
  • Jack Harris, Yale University
  • S. James Gates, Jr., University of Maryland
  • Felicitas Pauss, CERN and ETH Zurich
  • Leo Kouwenhoven, Delft University of Technology
  • Reshmi Mukherjee, Barnard College
  • Alan Nathan, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • Matthew Strassler, Rutgers University

Fall 2009

  • Shoucheng Zhang, Stanford University
  • Gabriella Sciolla, MIT
  • Owen Gingerich, Harvard University
  • Scott Hughes, MIT
  • Vladan Vuletic, MIT
  • Paula Apsell, PBS-NOVA
  • Wojciech Zurek, Los Alamos
  • Hong Liu, MIT
  • Robert McKeown, California Institute of Technology
  • Sean Carroll, California Institute of Technology
  • Eric Hudson, MIT
  • John Morgan, Columbia University
  • Claire Max, UC Santa Cruz

Spring 2009

  • Paul Canfield, Iowa State University
  • Jochen Schneider, LCLS Experimental Facilities Divsion, SLAC, CA and Center for Free-Electron Laser Science (CFEL), Germany
  • Matthias Burkardt, New Mexico State University/Jefferson Lab
  • Zoltan Fodor, University of Wuppertal, Eotvos University of Budapest, John von Neumann Institute for Computing, DESY-Zeuthen, and Forschungszentrum-Juelich
  • Marc Kamionkowski, Caltech
  • Margaret Murnane, JILA, University of Colorado at Boulder and NIST
  • Jeff Kimble, Caltech
  • George Whitesides, Harvard University
  • Dam Thanh Son, University of Washington
  • Sidney Drell, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
  • Alain Aspect, Institut d’Optique
  • Michael Brown, Caltech
  • Kip Thorne, Caltech
  • Felicitas Pauss, Institute for Particle Physics, ETH Zurich
  • Xiaowei Zhuang, Harvard University

Fall 2008

  • Lisa Randall, Harvard University
  • Edward Farhi, MIT
  • Adam Cohen, Harvard University
  • Phuan Ong, Princeton University
  • Christopher Stubbs, Harvard University
  • Boris Kayser, Fermilab
  • Sara Seager, MIT
  • Geoffrey West, Santa Fe Institute
  • David Wineland, National Institute of Standards and Technology
  • Peter Borden, Solar Business Group, Applied Materials, Inc.
  • Steven Kivelson, Stanford University
  • Angela Olinto, University of Chicago
  • Stephen Wolfram, Wolfram Research
  • Nat Fisch, Princeton University

Spring 2008

  • Wim Leemans, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
  • Nergis Mavalvala, MIT
  • Michael Peskin, Stanford University
  • Alex Filippenko, UC Berkeley
  • Rob Schoelkopf, Yale University
  • Marin Soljacic, MIT
  • Robert Redwine, MIT
  • Joseph Formaggio, MIT
  • Jun Ye, University of Colorado
  • Karin Rabe, Rutgers University
  • Peter F. Michelson, Stanford University
  • Lyn Evans, CERN-LHC
  • Iain Stewart, MIT
  • David Griffiths, Reed College

Fall 2007

  • Barry Barish, Caltech
  • Gabriella Sciolla, MIT
  • Shamit Kachru, Stanford University
  • Daniel Kleppner, MIT
  • Steve Chu, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
  • Dimitrios Psaltis, University of Arizona
  • Erik Katsavounidis, MIT
  • Young Lee, MIT
  • John Mather, NASA
  • Gregor Herten, Albert-Ludwigs-Univeritat Freiburg
  • Charles Falco, University of Arizona
  • Ted Haensch, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat Munchen
  • Serge Haroche, Ecole normale Superieure and College de France
  • Michael Campbell

Spring 2007

  • Peter Zoller, Universität Innsbruck
  • Gerald Gabrielse, Harvard University
  • Ben Oppenheimer, American Museum of Natural History
  • Michael Sipser, MIT
  • Tom Levenson, MIT
  • Joan Centrella, NASA
  • William Bialek, Princeton University
  • Jim Kakalios, University of Minnesota
  • Hong Liu, MIT
  • Alessandra Lanzara, UC Berkeley
  • James E. Gunn, Princeton University
  • John Beacom, Ohio State
  • Mildred Dresselhaus, MIT
  • Benoit Mandelbrot, Yale University
  • Sebastien Balibar, Laboratoire de Physique Statistique de l’ENS
  • Bert Halperin, Harvard University

Fall 2006

  • Lyman Page, Princeton University
  • Senthil Todadri, MIT
  • Amber Miller, Columbia University
  • Donald F. Geesaman, Argonne National Laboratory
  • Alan Guth, MIT
  • Virginia Trimble UC Irvine
  • Eugene Chiang, UC Berkeley
  • Gunther Roland, MIT
  • Vladan Vuletic, MIT
  • Janet Conrad, Columbia University
  • Christof Wetterich, Universität Heidelberg
  • Allen Caldwell, Max-Planck-Institute
  • Shelley Page, University of Manitoba
  • Arup Chakraborty, MIT

Spring 2006

  • Urs Achim Wiedemann, SUNY Stony Brook, NY
  • Raymond E. Goldstein, University of Arizona
  • Adam G Riess, Space Telescope Science Institute
  • Mehran Kardar, MIT
  • Moses H. W. Chan, Pennsylvania State University
  • Edward C. Stone, California Institute of Technology
  • Leonard Susskind, Stanford University
  • Bernhard Keimer, Max-Planck-Institut for Solid State Research, Stuttgart
  • Tom Murphy, UC San Diego
  • Richard A. Muller, UC Berkeley
  • Hans-Walter Rix, Max-Planck-Institut for Astronomy
  • A. Douglas Stone, Yale University
  • Albert-Laszlo Barabasi, University of Notre Dame
  • Clifford M. Will, Washington University

Fall 2005

  • Wolfgang Ketterle, MIT
  • Sean Carroll, University of Chicago
  • Pier Oddone, Fermi National Laboratory
  • David Nelson, Harvard University
  • Ed Bertschinger, MIT
  • Eric Adelberger, University of Washington
  • Masahiro Morii, Harvard University
  • Charles Alcock, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
  • Andrei Linde, Stanford University
  • Christoph Paus, MIT
  • Iain Stewart, MIT
  • Andreas Hoecker, CERN
  • Catherine Kallin, McMaster University

Spring 2005

  • Steven Weinberg, University of Texas, Austin
  • Anthony Leggett, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
  • Vicki Kaspi, McGill University
  • Debbie Jin, JILA/University of Colorado
  • Peter Goldreich, California Institute of Technology
  • Dan Rugar, IBM Almaden Research Center
  • Martin Bezant, MIT
  • Jeff Richman, UC-Santa Barbara
  • Andrea Liu, UCLA
  • Ian Shipsey, Purdue University
  • Wendy Freedman, OCIW

Fall 2004

  • Edward Farhi, MIT
  • Max Tegmark, MIT
  • Joe Polchinski, UC-Santa Barbara
  • Larry Abbott, Brandeis University
  • Robert Buderi, Technology Review
  • Chris Quigg, Fermi National Laboratory
  • Peter Galison, Harvard University
  • Maria Zuber, MIT
  • Lee Smolin, Perimeter Institute
  • Amihay Hanany, MIT

Spring 2004

  • Franklin Chang-Diaz, NASA Johnson Space Center
  • Kathryn Moler, Stanford University
  • David Kaiser, MIT
  • Alexander van Oudenaarden, MIT
  • Stanislas Leibler, Rockefeller University
  • Charles Holbrow, Colgate University
  • Aharon Kapitulnik, Stanford University
  • Paul McEuen, Cornell University
  • Michael Peskin, SLAC/Stanford University
  • Nora Volkow, National Institute on Drug Abuse
  • Wolfgang Ketterle, MIT
  • Dan Akerib, Case Western Reserve University
  • Michael Turner, University of Chicago
  • Frank Wilczek, MIT

Fall 2003

  • Seamus Davis, Cornell University
  • Diandra Leslie-Pelecky, University of Nebraska
  • Robert Kirshner, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
  • James Bergquist, NIST
  • Natalie Roe, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
  • David Gross, UC-Santa Barbara
  • Peter Lepage, Cornell University
  • Deepto Chakrabarty, MIT
  • Gerard ‘t Hooft, University of Utrecht
  • Andrea Ghez, UCLA
  • Donald Monroe, Agere Systems
  • John Schwarz, California Institute of Technology
  • Nicholas Giordano, Purdue University

Spring 2003

  • Matthew Strassler, University of Washington
  • Albert-Laszlo Barabasi, University of Notre Dame
  • Piers Coleman, Rutgers University
  • Lyman Page, Princeton University
  • David Wineland, NIST
  • Bart de Smit, University of Leiden
  • Frithjof Karsch, University of Bielefeld
  • Paul Horowitz, Harvard University
  • David Wark, Oxford University
  • Stuart Freedman, UC-Berkeley
  • Nima Arkani-Hamed, Harvard University
  • Angela Olinto, University of Chicago
  • Immanuel Bloch, University of Munich

Fall 2002

  • Steven Girvin, Yale University
  • Daniel Dubin, UC-San Diego
  • Daniel Fisher, Harvard University
  • Neil deGrasse Tyson, AMNH, NY
  • Freeman Dyson, Institute for Advanced Study
  • Edward Shuryak, SUNY, Stony Brook
  • Robert Jaffe, MIT
  • David Kestenbaum, National Public Radio
  • John Bahcall, Institute for Advanced Study
  • Pawan Kumar, University of Texas, Austin
  • Bob Rosner, University of Chicago

Spring 2002

  • Claude Cohen-Tannoudji, ENS, Paris
  • Bertram Batlogg, ETH, Zurich
  • Raman Sundrum, Johns Hopkins University
  • Neil Calder, SLAC/Stanford University
  • Samuel Ting, MIT
  • Craig Sarazin, University of Virginia
  • Bernard Schutz, Max-Planck-Institute for Gravitational Physics
  • Chung Pei-Ma, UC-Berkeley
  • Umar Mohideen, UC-Riverside
  • Richard Lovelace, Cornell University
  • Alex Filippenko, UC-Berkeley
  • Timothy Chupp, University of Michigan
  • Alexander van Oudenaarden, MIT

Fall 2001

  • Lee Roberts, Boston University
  • Linda Griffith, MIT
  • David Weitz, Harvard University
  • Paul Steinhardt, Princeton University
  • Wolfgang Ketterle, MIT
  • Edward Wright, UCLA
  • Matias Zaldarriaga, New York University
  • Wick Haxton, University of Washington
  • Eric Cornell, JILA/University of Colorado
  • Albrecht Wagner, DESY
  • Jim Eisenstein, California Institute of Technology
  • Arthur McDonald, Queen’s University
  • Hitoshi Murayama, UC-Berkeley

Spring 2001

  • Frank Wilczek, MIT
  • Fulvia Pilat, Brookhaven National Laboratory
  • Greg Boebenger, Los Alamos National Laboratory
  • Sascha Hilgenfeldt, University of Twente
  • Jean Dalibard, ENS, Paris
  • Washington Taylor, MIT
  • Eric Heller, Harvard University
  • Adam Falk, Johns Hopkins University
  • Charles Marcus, Harvard University
  • Francis Halzen, University of Wisconsin
  • Ashoke Sen, Mehta Research Institute
  • Tony Readhead, California Institute of Technology

Fall 2000

  • Max Tegmark, University of Pennsylvania
  • Peter Fisher, MIT
  • Eric Mazur, Harvard University
  • Luis Orozco, SUNY, Stony Brook
  • Takashi Imai, MIT
  • Blayne Heckel, University of Washington
  • Shrinivas Kulkarni, California Institute of Technology
  • Uwe-Jens Wiese, MIT
  • Stephan Quake, California Institute of Technology
  • David Hitlin, California Institute of Technology
  • Krishna Rajagopal, MIT
  • Wit Busza, MIT

Spring 2000

  • Lisa Randall, MIT
  • Myriam Sarachik, CUNY
  • Marc Kamionkowski, California Institute of Technology
  • Christof Wetterich, University of Heidelberg
  • Claude Canizares, MIT
  • Nathan Isgur, Jefferson Laboratory
  • John Grunsfeld, NASA Johnson Space Center
  • Maurice Jacob, CERN
  • Bruce Remington, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
  • Mark Johnson, Naval Research Laboratory
  • John Ruhl, UC-Santa Barbara

Fall 1999

  • Leslie Rosenberg, MIT
  • Richard Muller, UC-Berkeley
  • Maria Zuber, MIT
  • John Preskill, California Institute of Technology
  • David Grier, University of Chicago
  • Hans Bethe, Cornell University
  • Tony Barker, University of Colorado
  • Vicky Kaspi, MIT
  • David Kaplan, University of Washington
  • Douglas Stone, Yale University
  • Steven Girvin, Indiana University
  • Michel Devoret, Yale University

Spring 1999

  • Marc Kastner, MIT
  • Craig Ogilvie, MIT
  • Jack Steinberger, CERN
  • Jerry Mahlman, Princeton University
  • Fred Adams, University of Michigan
  • Donald Lynden-Bell, University of Cambridge
  • Boris Kayser, National Science Foundation
  • Paul Schechter, MIT
  • Jean Zinn-Justin, CEA, Saclay
  • Fredrico Capasso, Bell Labs/Lucent Technologies
  • Charles Baltay, Yale University
  • Larry Sulak, Boston University
  • Bernhard Keimer, Princeton University
  • Charles Lieber, Harvard University
  • Cumrun Vafa, Harvard University
  • Farid Abraham, IBM, Almaden Research Center
  • Cyrus Taylor, Case Western Reserve University

Fall 1998

  • Ruth Sime, Sacramento City College
  • Henry Kendall, MIT
  • Jonathan Bagger, Johns Hopkins University
  • Alan Guth and Philip Morrison, MIT
  • Peter Armbruster, GSI, Darmstadt
  • Jan van Paradijs, University of Amsterdam
  • Robert Jaffe, MIT
  • Saul Perlmutter, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
  • Partha Mitra, Bell Labs/Lucent Technologies
  • Robert Mawhinney, Columbia University
  • Wolfgang Ketterle, MIT
  • Frederick Salvucci, MIT
  • John Ralston, University of Kansas
  • Lawrence Krauss, Case Western Reserve University
  • Charles Alcock, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
  • Michael Turner, University of Chicago/Fermilab
  • Tom Greytak and Daniel Kleppner, MIT