Physics Student Groups
- Graduate Womxn in Physics (GWIP)
- National Society of Black Physicists (NSBP)
- Physics Graduate Student Council (PGSC)
- Physics Pre-Orientation Program (PhysPoP)
- Physics REFS: Resources for Easing Friction and Stress (PhysREFS)
- Society of Physics Students (SPS)
- Undergraduate Women in Physics (UWIP)
Physics encourages our students to organize and form groups to support each other and nurture special interests. When a group is organized enough to have a leader, at least five members, and a written plan of organization, they may reach out to the Academic Programs Office to apply for funding. Base funding for student groups is $5,000 per year.
Existing groups have budgets based on previous years’ spending. Groups should submit a budget each spring for the following academic year. If a group wishes to increase their budget, or if they anticipate an event that will push them over the limit, they should reach out to the APO as soon as possible.