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General Resources
- MIT Admissions
- Academic and Personal Support
- Campus & Student Activities
- Career Advising & Professional Development (CAPD)
- Diversifying physics – Physics World, June 6, 2013
- DoingWell At MIT
- Employee and Labor Relations and Compliance
- Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Policies
- Office of the First Year
- Free Technology Resources: IS&T loaner equipment
- Haze Free MIT
- Mind & Hand Book
Official guide to MIT’s expectations of all undergraduate and graduate students.
- MIT Spouses and Partners Connect
- MIT Work Life Center
The MIT Work Life Center fosters a welcoming and supportive environment that enhances the lives of the diverse mix of people and families who live, work, and study at MIT. They provide quick access to the hundreds of services, activities, programs, and groups that support personal, family, and community life here at MIT.
- Multicultural Programs
- Office of Minority Education (OME)
- Ombuds Office
Confidential resource for workplace, educational, and personal problems.
- Physics Community Values
- Physics Title IX Review
- Physics Values Committee
- Quality of Life Grant program
- School of Science Community Conduct
- School of Science Diversity Council
- School of Science Gender Equity Committee
- School of Science Outreach Programs
- School of Science Resources
- Shuttle Tracker
- Spiritual Support
The Chaplain to the Institute and the Board of Chaplains at MIT all provide spiritual and personal support to students, faculty, staff and the MIT community.
- Student Travel Policy to CERN
- Violence Prevention and Response (VPR)
Mental Health and Support
- Active Minds @ MIT : changing the conversation about mental health
A student-led initiative for better health and wellness, stress relief, and health education
- At Risk
An online, interactive training module for MIT faculty and others to support students in distress
- Behavioral Health in Primary Care
Is part of the Primary Care Service at MIT Health. Consultations are available exclusively to MIT Health Primary Care patients with a PCP referral.
- Community Wellness
- Dean on Call
A staff members from the Office of the Dean for Student Life is available to students for emergency assistance after hours (5 p.m.–9 a.m. on weekdays and 24 hours on weekends) or when the Institute is closed.
- DoingWell At MIT
- Graduate Personal Support (GPS)
Can provide advice and counsel to graduate students on a variety of issues including faculty-student relationships, conflict negotiation, funding, academic progress, interpersonal concerns, and student rights and responsibilities.
- Haze Free MIT
- MIT Health’s Community Wellness team
Provides a number of health and wellness programs on such topics as sleep and relaxation, nutrition, and sexual health.
- Office of Religious, Spiritual, and Ethical Life (ORSEL)
Includes more than 20 chaplains and 40 student groups. Chaplains provide religious, spiritual, and educational programming, as well as confidential counseling and crisis support.
- Student Mental Health & Counseling
Works directly with students to understand and solve problems. Give us a call. Visits are confidential and easy to arrange.
- VPR (Violence Prevention and Response)
Provides support for individuals who are dealing with issues such as sexual assault, dating and domestic violence, stalking, and sexual harassment. Helpline available 24 hours a day during the school year.
Student Groups and Centers
For Graduate Students only