Peter H. Fisher
Research Interests
Professor Peter Fisher’s main activities are the experimental detection of dark matter using a new kinds of detectors. His other interests include the wireless power transfer, pedagogical work on electromagnetic radiation, new kinds of particle detectors and bonsai.
Biographical Sketch
Prof. Peter Fisher carries out research in particle physics in the areas of dark matter detection and the development of new kinds of particle detectors. He also has an interest in compact energy supplies and wireless energy transmission. Prof. Fisher received a BS Engineering Physics from Berkeley in 1983 and a Ph.D. in Nuclear Physics from Caltech in 1988. He was Department Head of Physics from 2013 to 2022. In September 2022, Prof. Fisher became the Director of the MIT Office of Research Computing and Data (ORCD).
More info:
- Personal Website
- For ORCD related support contact
- For Physics & LNS related support contact

School of Science appoints 11 faculty members to named professorships
Those selected for these positions receive additional support to pursue their research and develop their careers.
Awards & Honors
- 2021 // Appointed Thomas A. Frank (1977) Professor of Physics (MIT)
- 2020 // American Association for the Advancement of Science Fellow
- 2013-2022 // Department Head, Physics
- 2011 // Buechner Faculty Award for Teaching (MIT)
- 2006 // American Physical Society Fellow "For initiating Tau Polarization Asymmetry Measurements and W-Boson self couplings, leading to a top mass prediction (found later at FNAL). First proof of single W-production in e+ e- annihilation. Determination of sin20w with proposal to expand to highest accuracy of 10-5 at LHC."
- 2000 // Buechner Faculty Award for Teaching (MIT)
Key Publications
First Dark Matter Search Results from a Surface Run of the 10-L DMTPC Directional Dark Matter Detector.
S. Ahlen (Boston U.), J.B.R. Battat, T. Caldwell, C. Deaconu (MIT), D. Dujmic (MIT, LNS & MIT), W. Fedus (MIT), P. Fisher (MIT, LNS & MIT, MKI & MIT), F. Golub (Brandeis U.), S. Henderson (MIT), A. Inglis (Boston U.) et al.. Jun 2010. 5 pp. Published in Phys.Lett. B695 (2011) 124-129 e-Print: arXiv:1006.2928 [hep-ex] -
Neutrino oscillation experiments at the Gösgen nuclear power reactor. By Caltech-SIN-TUM Collaboration (G. Zacek et al.). 1986. Published in Phys.Rev.D 34:2621-2636,1986.
Final report on the search for neutrinoless double beta decay of Ge-76 from the Gotthard underground experiment. By D. Reusser, M. Treichel, F. Boehm, P. Fisher, K. Gabathuler, H.E. Henrikson, V. Jorgens, L.W. Mitchell, C. Nussbaum, J.L. Vuilleumier (Neuchatel U. & Caltech & PSI, Villigen). Oct 1991. 4pp. Published in Phys.Rev.D 45:2548-2551,1992.