
This is my archive

Dr. Andrea Ghez '87, Only the Fourth Woman to Win the Nobel Prize for Physics, Shows the Rarity of High-Achieving Women in Science

Storm in a cosmic teacup: A new paradigm for understanding plasma turbulence

The Beginning to the End of the the Universe: Inflating the cosmos

My satellite would fit in a small suitcase.

Physicists Prove Anyons Exist, a Third Type of Particle in the Universe

Researchers observe what could be the first hints of dark bosons

Focusing on innovative solutions to the world’s energy challenges

Michael Menzel SB '81, Lead Mission Systems Engineer for the Webb Telescope, Leads a Team Around the World

Grad students Robert Johnston and Sangbaek Lee named 2020-21 JSA/Jefferson Lab graduate fellowship recipient

Ultracold Soup: Meet The 'Superfluid' States Of Matter