Donor Profile: Morton E. Goulder
Morton E. Goulder SB ’42
Patrons of Physics Fellows
by Elizabeth Chadis // MIT Physics Annual 2005

There’s a twinkle in his eye as Mort Goulder talks about his years at MIT and subsequent career. “I started out as a Course XV business major. That lasted a year and I switched to EE. By the end of my second year I had had my fill of transmission lines. I decided to take the classes I liked and found exciting. Physics offered the interest and flexibility I needed…as for getting a job afterwards, I figured I would take my chances.” Mort has never regretted his physics training which he calls “magnificent.” In fact, Mort will tell you that he has never learned anything that wasn’t useful.
Mort is now President of M.E. Goulder Enterprises, a consulting firm specializing in high technology and investment management. Prior to that he co-founded Sanders Associates, where he served as director and vice-president for 22 years. He initiated and managed two of Sanders’ largest divisions: special programs (consisting of reconnaissance and intelligence systems) and electronic design—covering product design for the entire corporation.
While at Sanders, Mort also ran all of their philanthropic activities. It was there that he became interested in leveraging charitable funds to “really accomplish some good.” Since then, Mort has devoted his energy to community and educational affairs. From involvement in the city governance of Nashua, New Hampshire, to serving on MIT’s Corporation Development Committee, Mort has sought to provide innovative solutions and high tech expertise to address the problems faced by non-profit organizations.
Training in physics is magnificent… I never learned anything that wasn’t useful.
Morton E. Goulder (’42)
When the Physics Department asked Mort to join the Patrons of Physics Fellows, Mort responded enthusiastically with a one-year expendable fellowship. Mort’s gift will make it possible for a first-year graduate student to explore his or her dreams—to really take the time to determine the right area of specialization, to find a mentor, and to have the freedom to develop new insights and ideas—without having to worry where the money will come from. And, because another generous donor has offered to match all new gifts dedicated to graduate support, Mort’s contribution will have double the impact!
“MIT is a much better place today,” explains Mort. “Today’s students have mentors. They live on campus. They have UROPs.” Mort likes the changes he sees and rarely misses an opportunity to return to campus and learn something new. He still works full time at the things he enjoys—venture capital, investment management, and board work as well as charitable support. “There are always too many things to do,” he sighs.
In addition to his gift of fellowship support, Mort has also established the Morton and Claire Goulder and Family Professorship in Environmental Systems, currently held by Director of the Laboratory for Energy and the Environment, Prof. David Marks.
Mort is very pleased to support the Physics Department and looks forward to meeting the first Morton E. Goulder Fellow.