by Condensed Matter Group

Mondays at noon ET in Duboc Seminar Room (4-331) unless otherwise stated.

Spring 2025

January 29, 2025 (Special condensed matter seminar – Wednesday at 12:00 pm)

Speaker: Erez Berg, Weizmann Institute
Title: “Preparing topological ground states on quantum simulators”.
Host: Liang Fu

January 30, 2025 (Special condensed matter seminar – Thursday at 12:00 pm)

Speaker: Raffaele Resta, CNR-IOM Istituto Officina dei Materiali, Trieste, Italy
Title: “Geometrical observables in condensed matter:\Polarization, orbital magnetization, and more”
Host: Liang Fu

January 31, 2025 (Special condensed matter seminar- Friday at 1:00 pm)

Speaker: Ben Feldman, Stanford University
Title: “Twisted trilayer graphene under the microscope”.
Host: Liang Fu

February 10, 2025

Speaker: Qiong Ma, Boston College
Title: “Topology and Correlations in monolayer TaIrTe4”.
Host: Riccardo Comin

February 17, 2025 (Holiday – No Chez Pierre seminar. Presidents’ Day)

February 24, 2025

Speaker: Alexey Tsvelik, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Title: “RKKY driven non-Fermi liquid behavior in Kondo lattices”.
Host: Leonid S. Levitov

March 3, 2025

Speaker: Angel Rubio, Max Planck Institute
Title: “Harnessing Cavity Vacuum Fluctuations for Quantum Materials Engineering: a QEDFT Framework”.
Host: Riccardo Comin

March 10, 2025

Speaker: Tonghang Han, MIT
Title: “Chiral Superconductivity in Rhombohedral Graphene”
Host: Xiao-Gang Wen

March 17, 2025 (No Chez Pierre Seminar due to the March APS meeting)

March 24, 2025 (No Chez Pierre seminar – Spring Break Week)

March 31, 2025

Speaker:  Marharyta Davydova, Caltech
Title: “Stabilizing topological order below 4D and dynamical phases of matter”.
Host: Liang Fu

April 7, 2025

Speaker: Qimiao Si, Rice University
Title: “Strange metals and flat bands: From topological heavy fermions to superconducting twisted-WSe2”
Host: Senthil Todadri

April 14, 2025

Speaker: Shi-zeng Lin, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Title: TBA
Host: Long Ju

April 21, 2025  (Holiday – No Chez Pierre seminar. Patriot’s Day)

April 28, 2025

Speaker: Tim Hsieh, Perimeter Institute
Title: “Markov Length: A Diagnostic for Mixed State Quantum Phases and Fault Tolerance”
Host: Liang Fu

May 5, 2025

Speaker: Hadar Steinberg, Hebrew University
Title: “Universality of Upper Critical Field in the TMD Superconductor Family
Host: Pablo Jarillo-Herrero

May 12, 2025

Speaker: Yulin Chen, University of Oxford
Title: TBA
Host: Liang Fu

Past Schedules

Fall 2024

September 9, 2024
Speaker: Jiadong Zang, University of New Hampshire
Title: “Topological Hall Effects in Chiral Magnets
Host: Liang Fu
September 16, 2024
Speaker: Mindga Li, MIT
Title: “Exploring Potential Roles of Machine Learning in Quantum Materials Research”.
Host: Liang Fu
September 23, 2024
Speaker: Zachariah Addison, Wellesley College
Title: “Unified Theory of Anomalous and Topological Hall Effects with Phase-Space Berry Curvatures: Electric, Thermal, and Thermoelectric Transport in Chiral Magnet Materials”
Host: Ali Ghorashi
September 30, 2024
Speaker: Yizhi You, Northeastern University
Title: “Decoherence and dissipation induced topological phenomenon in open quantum system”.
Host: Xiao-Gang Wen
October 7, 2024
Speaker: Francisco Guinea, IMDEA Software Institute
Title: “Superconductivity in graphene stacks.
Host: Liang Fu
October 14, 2024 ( Holiday- Indigenous Peoples’ Day- No Chez Pierre seminar)

October 15, 2024 (Special Chez Pierre seminar- Tuesday)
Speaker: Gregory Falkovich, Weizmann Institute
Title: “Looking for quarks in a stormy sea”
Host: Leonid Levitov

October 21, 2024
Speaker: Jiaqi Cai, MIT
Title: “Progress of fractional quantum anomalous Hall effect in twisted MoTe2”.
Host: Raymond Ashoori

October 25, 2024 (Special Chez Pierre seminar- Friday at 11 am)
Speaker: Ady Stern, Weizmann Institute
Title:: “Novel quantized and unquantized composite fermion states”
Host: Long Ju

October 28, 2024
Speaker: Carolyn Zhang, Harvard University
Title:: “Thermalization rates, Liouvillian gaps, and operator spreading”
Host: Xiao-Gang Wen

October 29, 2024 (Special Chez Pierre seminar-Tuesday at 12pm)
Speaker: Meng Cheng, Yale University
Title: “Anomalous insights into quantum phases in open systems”.
Host: Liang Fu

November 4, 2024
Speaker: Martin Greven, University of Minnesota
Title: “New developments in oxide superconductors – the role of inherent inhomogeneity“.
Host: Nuh Gedik

November 11, 2024 ( Holiday – Veterans’ Day- No Chez Pierre seminar)

November 18, 2024
Speaker: Yuval Ronen, Weizmann Institute of Science 
Title: “Anyons in van der Waals materials”
Host: Long Ju

November 25, 2024
Speaker: Dima Pesin, University of Virginia
Title: “Linear and nonlinear magnetotransport on a quantum spin Hall edge”.
Host: Leonid S. Levitov

December 2, 2024
Speaker: Eddie Farhi, Emeritus (Google/MIT)
Title: “Finding low energy configurations of the Sherrington Kirkpatrick model using a quantum algorithm”.
Host: Senthil Todadri

December 4, 2024 (Special Chez Pierre seminar- Wednesday at 1:00 pm)
Speaker: Moshe Ben Shalom, Tel Aviv University
Title: ” Super-lubircant Switching of Coupled Periodic Crystals“.
Host: Aviram Uri

December 9, 2024
Speaker: Brian Skinner, Ohio State University
Title: “Chiral Wigner crystal phases induced by Berry curvature”.
Host: Leonid S. Levitov

February 12, 2024
Speaker: Andreas Heinrich, Ewha Womans University
Title: ” Quantum sensing with atomic-scale spatial resolution”.
HostRaymond Ashoori

February 19, 2024 (Presidents’ Day- Holiday. No Chez Pierre) seminar)

February 26, 2024
Speaker: TBA
Title: TBA
Host: TBA

March 4, 2024 (No Chez Pierre Seminar due to the March APS meeting)

March 11, 2024
Speaker: Sang-Wook Cheong, Rutgers University
Title: “Chirality and Kinetomagnetism”
Host: Riccardo Comin

March 18, 2024
Speaker: Dimitry Abanin, Princeton University
Title: “Temporal entanglement and complexity of non-Markovian quantum dynamics”
Host: Leonid Levitov

March 25, 2024 (Spring Break- No Chez Pierre seminar)

April 1, 2024
Speaker:  Andrea Cavalleri, University of Oxford
Title: “Controlling ferroelectrics with light.”
HostNuh Gedik

April 8, 2024
Speaker: Philip Kim, Harvard University
Title: ” Radiofrequency reflectometry measurement of superfluid stiffness of 2D superconductors“.
HostLong Ju

April 15, 2024 (Patriot’s Day – Holiday. No Chez Pierre seminar)

April 18, 2024 (Special Chez Pierre seminar-Thursday at 12pm)
Speaker: Chetan Nayak, Microsoft
Title: “RF Readout of Topological Qubits”
HostLiang Fu

April 22, 2024
Speaker: Ilan Rosen, MIT
Title: “Emulating 2D materials on superconducting quantum computers”•Chez-Pierre-Announcement-poster-example-template.pdf
HostWilliam Oliver

April 29, 2024
Speaker: Rui-Rui Du, Rice University
Title: “Towards Bosonic Fractional Quantum Hall Effect in a Moat Band”
HostLiang Fu

May 1, 2024 (Special Chez Pierre seminar -Wednesday at 12 pm)
Speaker: Liang Wu, University of Pennsylvania
Title: “Novel nonlinear optical response in 2D antiferromagnets”.
HostLiang Fu

May 6, 2024
Speaker: Cui-Zu Chang, Penn State
Title:  “The Art and Science of Molecular Beam Epitaxy—From Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect to Interfacial Superconductivity”.
Host: Long Ju

May 10, 2024 (Special Chez Pierre seminar- Friday at 10 am)
Speaker: Jeremy Levy, University of Pittsburgh
Title: “Correlated Nanoelectronics and the Second Quantum Revolution”
HostRaymond Ashoori

May 13, 2024
Speaker: Ivan Brihuega, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM) 
Title: “Shaping graphene properties at the atomic scale
Host: Pablo Jarillo-Herrero

May 14, 2024 ( Special Chez Pierre seminar- Tues. at noon)
Speaker: Nagaosa Naoto, RIKEN Center for Emergent Matter Science (CEMS)
Title: ” Photocurrent without photo-induced carriers
Host: Liang Fu

May 22, 2024 (Special Chez Pierre seminar- Wed. at 12:00 pm in the Cosman rm, 6C-422- CANCELLED)
Speaker: Jie Wang, Temple University
Title: Cancelled
Host: Liang Fu

May 22, 2024 (Special Chez Pierre seminar- Wed. at 2:00 pm in the Cosman rm, 6C-442) Hybrid Seminar
Speaker: Jong-Yeon Lee, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Title: “Understanding Phases and Transitions in Mixed State Topological Phases”
Host: Leonid S. Levitov



September 11, 2023

Speaker: Cenke Xu, UCSB
Title: “Topology and Quantum Criticality under Weak-Measurement or Decoherence”.
Host: Liang Fu

September 18, 2023

Speaker: Trithep Devakul, Stanford University
Title: “Graphene trilayer with a helical twist.”
Host: Liang Fu

September 25, 2023

Speaker: Julia Mundy, Harvard University
Title:“Superconductivity in a layered square-planar nickelate”.
Host Riccardo Comin

October 2, 2023

Speaker: Zhi-Xun Shen, Stanford University
Title: Surprises in the Phase Diagram – Electron Doped Cuprates“.
Host: Xiao-Gang Wen

October 2, 2023 (Special Chez Pierre seminar at 4pm)

Speaker: Dung-Hai Lee, UC Berkeley
Title: The physics of nodal spin triplet superconductivity: an application to UTe2″.
Host: Xiao-Gang Wen

October 4, 2023 (Special Chez Pierre seminar at 10am)

Speaker: Wenjin Zhao, Cornell University
Title: “Gate-tunable heavy fermions in a moiré Kondo lattice. ”
Host: Long Ju

October 9, 2023 (Holiday: Indigenous People’s Day. No Chez Pierre seminar)
October 16, 2023

Speaker: Lu Li, University of Michigan
Title: “Quantum Oscillations in Kondo Insulators and Mott Insulators”.
Host: Patrick Lee

October 17, 2023 (Special Chez Pierre seminar)

Speaker: Nandini Trivedi, The Ohio State University
Title: “Proposal to detect fractionalized excitations in quantum spin liquids”.
Host: Senthil Todadri

October 23, 2023

Speaker: Victor Brar, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Title: “Imaging charge carrier motion through multiple phase transitions in graphene.”
Host: Long Ju

October 30, 2023

Speaker: Shlomo Havlin, Bar-Ilan University
Title: “Interdependent Superconducting Networks”.
Host: Senthil Todadri

November 6, 2023

Speaker: Stevan Nadj-Perge, Caltech
Title: “Superconductivity and Strong Correlations in (un)-Twisted Graphene Multilayer Structures”.
Host: Long Ju

November 10, 2023 (Special Chez Pierre Seminar, Friday)

Speaker: Kin Fai Mak, Cornell University
Title: ” Thermodynamics and transport in a dipolar excitonic insulator”
Host: Liang Fu

November 13, 2023

Speaker: Hsin Lin Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica (Taiwan)
Title: “Feature Spectrum Topology”
Host: Liang Fu

November 20, 2023

Speaker: Fahad Mahmood, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
Title: “Coherent terahertz (THz) dynamics of collective excitations in a Weyl charge density wave”.
Host: Nuh Gedik

November 27, 2023

Speaker: Jun Zhu, Penn State University
Title: “Many-body ground states and collective excitations in a tunable 2D system”.
Host: Xiao-Gang Wen

November 28, 2023 (Special Chez Pierre seminar)

Speaker: Cristian Batista, University of Tennessee, Knoxville (UTK)
Title: “Dynamical structure factor of the triangular Heisenberg model”
Host: Liang Fu

November 29, 2023 (Special Chez Pierre seminar)

Speaker: Donna Sheng, California State University Northridge
Title: “Emerging D-Wave and Pairing Density Wave Superconductivity by Doping Square-Lattice Mott Insulators”
Host: Liang Fu

December 1, 2023 (Special Chez Pierre seminar)

Speaker: Mohit Randeria, Ohio State University
Title: ” Are there Upper Bounds on the Superconducting Tc?
Host: Liang Fu

December 4, 2023

Speaker: Leo Radzihovsky, University of Colorado at Boulder
Title: “Coulomb Universality”
Host: Liang Fu

December 11, 2023

Speaker: Mengkun Liu, Stony Brook
Title: Why 10 nm is an interesting length scale?- A magneto nano-optics perspective”•Chez-Pierre-Announcement-poster-example-template.pdf
Host: Long Ju

February 13, 2023

Speaker: Yong Baek Kim, University of Toronto
Title: “Quantum Spin Liquids and Criticality in Multipolar Materials
Host: Senthil Todadri

February 20, 2023 (Presidents’ Day- No Chez Pierre seminar)


February 23, 2023 (Special Chez Pierre seminar)

Speaker: Timothy Hsieh, Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Title: “Opening up quantum criticality”.
Host: Liang Fu

February 27, 2023

Speaker: Javier Sanchez-Yamagishi, University of California in Irvine (UCI)
Title: “Squeezing 3D to 2D: ultrathin bismuth crystals grown inside an atomically-flat van der Waals mold
Host: Pablo Jarillo-Herrero


March 6, 2023 (No Chez Pierre Seminar due to the March APS meeting)


March 13, 2023

Speaker: TBA
Title: TBA
Hosts: TBA

March 20, 2023 (Cancelled)

March 27, 2023

Speaker: Suyang Xu, Harvard University
Title: Axion optical control of antiferromagnetic order”.
Host: Liang Fu

April 3, 2023

Speaker: Ilija Zeljkovic, Boston College
Title: Imaging the cascade of symmetry-broken electronic states in kagome superconductors”.
Host: Riccardo Comin

April 10, 2023

Speaker: Kun Yang, Florida State University
Title: “Interplay of Topology and Geometry in Fractional Quantum Hall Liquids.”
Host: Liang Fu

April 14, 2023 (Special Chez Pierre seminar)

Speaker: Ady Stern, Weizmann Institute of Science
Title: “On the interplay of localization, topology and symmetry”.
Host: Pablo Jarrillo Herrero

April 17, 2023 ( No Chez Pierre seminar due to Patriot’s Day)


April 24, 2023

Speaker: Vidya Madhavan, (UIUC)
Title: “Magnetic Field Induced Melting of a Charge Density Wave”.
Host: Liang Fu

May 1, 2023

Speaker: Zhanybek Alpichshev, Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA)
Title: “Shining light on Lead-Halide Perovskites: what optics can tell about the inner
workings of the Solar-Cell-champion material”.
Host: Nuh Gedik


May 8, 2023

Speaker: Zhiqiang Mao, Pennsylvania State University
Title: “Spin-valley locking, bulk quantum Hall effect and nonlinear Hall effect in anoncentrosymmetric Dirac material”.
Host: Liang Fu

May 15, 2023

Speaker: Benjamin Feldman, Standford University
Title: “Moiré band engineering: tuning the itineracy and topology of correlated states“.
Host: Raymond Ashoori

May 26, 2023 (Special Chez Pierre seminar)

Speaker:  Qian Niu, University of Science and Technology, China
Title: “Particle view in crystals”.•Chez-Pierre-Announcement-poster-pdf22.pdf
Host: Liang Fu


September 12, 2022

Speaker: Yu He, Yale University
Title: “Lattice fluctuation and electron-phonon coupling in a “failed” excitonic insulator”
Host: Long Ju

September 19, 2022

Speaker: Xiaodong Xu, Department of Physics, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Washington
Title: “Interacting Opto-Moiré Quantum Matter
Host: Liang Fu

September 23, 2022 (Friday, Special Chez Pierre Seminar)

Speaker: Charles Kane, University of Pennsylvania
Title: “Topology of the Fermi Sea”
Host: Liang Fu

September 26, 2022

Speaker: Eun-Ah Kim, Cornell University
Title: “Quantum Fractional Insulator with fractons in twisted bilayer graphene”
Hosts: Joe Checkelsky

September 30, 2022 (Jointly Physics +DMSE special Chez Pierre seminar )

Speaker: Barbaros Oezyilmaz, National University of Singapore
Title: “Synthesis and properties of monolayer amorphous carbon and cobalt doped black phosphorus
Hosts: Pablo Jarillo-Herrero

<br>October 3, 2022

Speaker: Yasin Ekinci, Paul Scherrer Institute
Title: “Advancing the lithography for more Moore and more than Moore”.
Host: Nuh Gedik

<br>October 10, 2022 (Holiday: Indigenous People’s Day. No Chez Pierre seminar)<br><br>
<br>October 11, 2022 (Tuesday, Special Chez Pierre seminar)

Speaker: Cenke Xu, University of California, Santa Barbara
Title: “An exotic metal-insulator transition and a quantum bad metal”.
Host: Liang Fu

<br>October 12, 2022 (Wednesday, Special Chez Pierre seminar)

Speaker: Erez Berg, Weiszman
Title: “Exotic Superconductivity in Graphene Multilayers.”
Host: Liang Fu

<br>October 17, 2022

Speaker: Matthieu Le Tacon, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Title: “Nematic liquid and unconventional charge-density-waves in BaNi2As2”.
Host: Riccardo Comin

<br>October 24, 2022

Speaker: Kevin Slagle, Rice University
Title: “A New Picture of Quantum Dynamics and A New Kind of Tensor Network”.
Host: Liang Fu

<br>October 31, 2022

Speaker: Nicholas Read, Yale University
Title: “Some recent results in the rigorous theory of short-range spin glasses”.
Host: Senthil Todadri


November 7, 2022

Speaker: Shiwei Zhang, Flatiron Institute
Title: “Magnetic orders, stripes, and superconductivity – insights from computations on the Hubbard model“.
Host Liang Fu

November 8, 2022 (Tuesday, Special Chez Pierre Seminar)

Speaker: Leonid Glazman, Yale University
Title: “Disorder in Andreev reflection of a quantum Hall edge”.
Host Liang Fu

November 10, 2022 (Thursday, Special Chez Pierre seminar)

Speaker: Chandra Varma, UC Berkeley
Title: “Quantum-Criticality and superconductivity in Twisted Bi-layer Graphene”.
Host Liang Fu

November 14, 2022

Speaker: Debanjan Chowdhury, Cornell University
Title: “Superconductivity and competing orders in the flat-band limit.”
Host: Senthil Todadri


November 21, 2022

Speaker: TBA
Title: TBA

<br>November 28, 2022

Speaker: Shahal Ilani, Weizmann Institute 
Title: “The Quantum Twisting Microscope”.
Host: Pablo Jarillo-Herrero

<br>November 30, 2022 (Wednesday, Special Chez Pierre seminar)

Speaker: Andrea Alù, CUNY
Title: “Extreme Control of Light and Sound with Metasurfacesù-_Chez-Pierre_announcement-poster.pdf
Host: Marin Soljacic

December 5, 2022

Speaker: Fan Zhang, University of Texas at Dallas
Title: “Interacting Electrons in Elementary Bilayer Graphene”
Host: Long Ju

December 12, 2022

Speaker: Sufei Shi, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Title: “Light-Matter Interaction in Flatland: Excitonic Physics in 2D
Host: Long Ju

December 16, 2022 ( Friday, Special Chez Pierre seminar)

Speaker: Eslam Khalaf, University of Austin, Texas
Title: “Ideal flat bands, Topological phases, and charged excitations in graphene based moire systems”.
Host: Liang Fu

December 19, 2022

Speaker: Jia Leo Li, Brown University
Title: “Parity, time-reversal and rotational symmetry breaking in twisted trilayer graphene”.
Host: Liang Fu

February 7, 2022 (Virtual Zoom Seminar)

Speaker: Bohm-Jung Yang, Seoul National University
Title: “Wave function geometry and anomalous Landau levels of flat bands”
HostRiccardo Comin

February 14, 2022 (Virtual Zoom Seminar)

Speaker: Nai Phuan Ong, Princeton University
Title: “Oscillations of thermal conductivity and evidence for the planar thermal Hall conductivity in the Kitaev Magnet alpha-RuCl3″
HostPatrick Lee

<br>February 21, 2021<br><br>No Chez Pierre Seminar due to President’s day holiday


February 28, 2022 (Virtual Zoom Seminar)

Speaker: Andrew Pierce, Harvard University
Title: “Fractional Chern insulators in twisted bilayer graphene”
Hosts: Pablo Herrror-Jarillo & Raymond Ashoori

<br>March 11, 2022 (Friday, Special Chez Pierre Seminar)

Speaker: Michael Horn-von Hoegen, Fakultät für Physik, Universität Duisburg-Essen
Title: “Optically excited structural transition in atomic wires on surfaces at the
quantum limit: a femtosecond electron diffraction study
HostNuh Gedik

<br>March 14, 2022<br><br>No Chez Pierre Seminar due to the March APS meeting
<br>March 21, 2022<br><br>No Chez Pierre Seminar due the MIT Spring Break
<br>March 28, 2022 (Virtual Zoom Seminar)

Speaker: Carlo Beenakker, Lorentz Institute, Leiden, The Netherlands
Title: “Chirality inversion of Majorana edge modes in a Fu-Kane heterostructure”
HostLeonid Levitov

<br>March 29, 2022 (Tuesday, Special Virtual Zoom seminar)

Speaker: Jian Wang, Peking University
Title: Charge-4e and charge-6e superconductivity in kagome superconductor CsV3Sb5 ”
Hostliang Fu

April 4, 2022 (Virtual Zoom Seminar)

Speaker: Justin Song, Nanyang Technological University
Title: Quantum Geometric Collective Modes: “Berryogenesis” and Quantum Metric Plasmons
HostLeonid Levitov

April 11, 2022

Speaker: Bo Zhen, University of Pennsylvania
Title: “Nonlinear topological photonics”
Host: Marin Soljacic

April 18, 2022
No Chez Pierre Seminar due to Patriots’ Day holiday
<br>April 20, 2022 (Wednesday, Special Chez Pierre seminar- Hybrid)

Speaker: Yaroslav Tserkovnyak, UCLA
Title: “Integrating quantum impurities with dissipative media: New probes and utilities of quantum materials”.
Host: Leonid Levitov

<br>April 25, 2022 (Hybrid Seminar)

Speaker: Liuyan Zhao, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Title: “Moiré magnetism in twisted double bilayer chromium triiodide”
Host: Long Ju

April 26, 2022 (Tuesday, Special Chez Pierre seminar)

Speaker: David Hsieh, Caltech
Title: “Strongly Driven Quantum Materials”
Host:  Nuh Gedik

May 2, 2022 (Hybrid seminar)

Speaker: James Analytis, UC Berkeley
Title: “Strange metals and their strange parents”
HostSenthil Todadri

<br>May 9, 2022 (Virtual Seminar)

Speaker: Ming Yi, Rice University
Title: “Emergent phases in geometrically frustrated lattices”
Host: Riccardo Comin

September 13, 2021 (Virtual Zoom seminar)

Mark Rudner – University of Washington
“The Lindblad equation: not just for quantum optics anymore
HostLeonid Levitov

September 20, 2021 (<strong>Virtual Zoom seminar</strong>)

Inti Sodemann – Max Planck Institute
“Pseudo-scalar U(1) spin liquids in alpha-RuCl_3”
HostLiang Fu

September 27, 2021

Joshua Javier “Shua” Sanchez – Massachusetts Institute of Technology
“Probing the Symmetry-Breaking Phases in Iron-based Superconductors with Combined Strain, Transport and X-ray Techniques”
HostRiccardo Comin

October 4, 2021 (<strong>Virtual Zoom seminar</strong>)

Brad Ramshaw – Cornell University
“The Planckian Limit: a Fundamental Bound on Electron Scattering”
HostLong Ju

October 11, 2021

No Chez Pierre Seminar due to Indigenous People Day holiday

October 19, 2021 (Tuesday, Special Chez Pierre seminar)

Philip Kim – Harvard University
“Toward realization of novel superconductivity based on twisted van der Waals Josephson junction in cuprates
Host: Leonid Levitov

October 25, 2021

Nurit Avraham – Weizmann Institute
Visualization of Topological Boundary Modes Manifesting Topological Nodal-Point Superconductivity
Host: Greg Fiete

November 1, 2021

Ziqiang Wang – Boston College
“Correlated topological states in a new family of kagome superconductors”
Host: Patrick Lee

November 8, 2021 (Virtual Zoom Seminar)

Anaelle Legros –  Johns Hopkins University
“Observation of cyclotron resonance and measurement of the cyclotron mass in La2-xSrxCuO4”
HostSenthil Todadri

November 15, 2021

Darius Torchinsky – Temple University
“The Nonlinear Electrodynamics of Weyl Semimetals
HostNuh Gedit

November 22, 2021

Silke Buehler-Paschen – Vienna University of Technology, Austria
“Superconductivity in the extreme strange metal YbRh2Si2
HostJoe Checkelsky

November 29, 2021 (Virtual Zoom Seminar)

Xi Ling – Boston University
Spin-correlation of the light-matter interaction in van der Waals antiferromagnetic NiPS3
HostRiccardo Comin

December 3, 2021 (Friday, Special Chez Pierre Seminar)

Giorgio Sangiovanni– Universitaet Wuerzburg
“Emergent honeycomb physics from chiral atomic orbitals on a triangular lattice”
Hosted: Riccardo Comin

December 6, 2021 (Virtual Zoom Seminar)

Yang Zhang – Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Catalysis and topology in moiré semiconductor and metal
Host: Liang Fu

Spring 2021Fall 2020Spring 2020, Fall 2019 , Spring 2019 Fall 2018Spring 2018Fall 2017Spring 2017Fall 2016Spring 2016Fall 2015Spring 2015 , Fall 2014Spring 2014Fall 2013Spring 2013Fall 2012Spring 2012Fall 2011Spring 2011Fall 2010Spring 2010Fall 2009Spring 2009Fall 2008Spring 2008Fall 2007

Please contact the host for more info or if you would like to meet a speaker.
For more information about the series, please contact the Chez Pierre Seminar Chair.

If you would like to add or remove your email address from the Chez Pierre announcement e-mail list, please visit MIT’s mailing list administration page: MOIRA and enter “chezpierre” in the list name box.