Chez Pierre Seminar Series
by Condensed Matter Group
Mondays at noon ET in Duboc Seminar Room (4-331) unless otherwise stated.
Spring 2025
January 29, 2025 (Special condensed matter seminar – Wednesday at 12:00 pm)
Speaker: Erez Berg, Weizmann Institute
Title: “Preparing topological ground states on quantum simulators”.
Host: Liang Fu
January 30, 2025 (Special condensed matter seminar – Thursday at 12:00 pm)
Speaker: Raffaele Resta, CNR-IOM Istituto Officina dei Materiali, Trieste, Italy
Title: “Geometrical observables in condensed matter:\Polarization, orbital magnetization, and more”
Host: Liang Fu
January 31, 2025 (Special condensed matter seminar- Friday at 1:00 pm)
Speaker: Ben Feldman, Stanford University
Title: “Twisted trilayer graphene under the microscope”.
Host: Liang Fu
February 10, 2025
Speaker: Qiong Ma, Boston College
Title: “Topology and Correlations in monolayer TaIrTe4”.
Host: Riccardo Comin
February 17, 2025 (Holiday – No Chez Pierre seminar. Presidents’ Day)
February 24, 2025
Speaker: Alexey Tsvelik, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Title: “RKKY driven non-Fermi liquid behavior in Kondo lattices”.
Host: Leonid S. Levitov
March 3, 2025
Speaker: Angel Rubio, Max Planck Institute
Title: “Harnessing Cavity Vacuum Fluctuations for Quantum Materials Engineering: a QEDFT Framework”.
Host: Riccardo Comin
March 10, 2025
Speaker: Tonghang Han, MIT
Title: “Chiral Superconductivity in Rhombohedral Graphene”
Host: Xiao-Gang Wen
March 17, 2025 (No Chez Pierre Seminar due to the March APS meeting)
March 24, 2025 (No Chez Pierre seminar – Spring Break Week)
March 31, 2025
Speaker: Marharyta Davydova, Caltech
Title: “Stabilizing topological order below 4D and dynamical phases of matter”.
Host: Liang Fu
April 7, 2025
Speaker: Qimiao Si, Rice University
Title: “Strange metals and flat bands: From topological heavy fermions to superconducting twisted-WSe2”
Host: Senthil Todadri
April 14, 2025
Speaker: Shi-zeng Lin, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Title: TBA
Host: Long Ju
April 21, 2025 (Holiday – No Chez Pierre seminar. Patriot’s Day)
April 28, 2025
Speaker: Tim Hsieh, Perimeter Institute
Title: “Markov Length: A Diagnostic for Mixed State Quantum Phases and Fault Tolerance”
Host: Liang Fu
May 5, 2025
Speaker: Hadar Steinberg, Hebrew University
Title: “Universality of Upper Critical Field in the TMD Superconductor Family“
Host: Pablo Jarillo-Herrero
May 12, 2025
Speaker: Yulin Chen, University of Oxford
Title: TBA
Host: Liang Fu
Past Schedules
Fall 2024
Fall 2024
September 9, 2024
Speaker: Jiadong Zang, University of New Hampshire
Title: “Topological Hall Effects in Chiral Magnets“
Host: Liang Fu
September 16, 2024
Speaker: Mindga Li, MIT
Title: “Exploring Potential Roles of Machine Learning in Quantum Materials Research”.
Host: Liang Fu
September 23, 2024
Speaker: Zachariah Addison, Wellesley College
Title: “Unified Theory of Anomalous and Topological Hall Effects with Phase-Space Berry Curvatures: Electric, Thermal, and Thermoelectric Transport in Chiral Magnet Materials”
Host: Ali Ghorashi
September 30, 2024
Speaker: Yizhi You, Northeastern University
Title: “Decoherence and dissipation induced topological phenomenon in open quantum system”.
Host: Xiao-Gang Wen
October 7, 2024
Speaker: Francisco Guinea, IMDEA Software Institute
Title: “Superconductivity in graphene stacks.“
Host: Liang Fu
October 14, 2024 ( Holiday- Indigenous Peoples’ Day- No Chez Pierre seminar)
October 15, 2024 (Special Chez Pierre seminar- Tuesday)
Speaker: Gregory Falkovich, Weizmann Institute
Title: “Looking for quarks in a stormy sea”
Host: Leonid Levitov
October 21, 2024
Speaker: Jiaqi Cai, MIT
Title: “Progress of fractional quantum anomalous Hall effect in twisted MoTe2”.
Host: Raymond Ashoori
October 25, 2024 (Special Chez Pierre seminar- Friday at 11 am)
Speaker: Ady Stern, Weizmann Institute
Title:: “Novel quantized and unquantized composite fermion states”
Host: Long Ju
October 28, 2024
Speaker: Carolyn Zhang, Harvard University
Title:: “Thermalization rates, Liouvillian gaps, and operator spreading”
Host: Xiao-Gang Wen
October 29, 2024 (Special Chez Pierre seminar-Tuesday at 12pm)
Speaker: Meng Cheng, Yale University
Title: “Anomalous insights into quantum phases in open systems”.
Host: Liang Fu
November 4, 2024
Speaker: Martin Greven, University of Minnesota
Title: “New developments in oxide superconductors – the role of inherent inhomogeneity“.
Host: Nuh Gedik
November 11, 2024 ( Holiday – Veterans’ Day- No Chez Pierre seminar)
November 18, 2024
Speaker: Yuval Ronen, Weizmann Institute of Science
Title: “Anyons in van der Waals materials”
Host: Long Ju
November 25, 2024
Speaker: Dima Pesin, University of Virginia
Title: “Linear and nonlinear magnetotransport on a quantum spin Hall edge”.
Host: Leonid S. Levitov
December 2, 2024
Speaker: Eddie Farhi, Emeritus (Google/MIT)
Title: “Finding low energy configurations of the Sherrington Kirkpatrick model using a quantum algorithm”.
Host: Senthil Todadri
December 4, 2024 (Special Chez Pierre seminar- Wednesday at 1:00 pm)
Speaker: Moshe Ben Shalom, Tel Aviv University
Title: ” Super-lubircant Switching of Coupled Periodic Crystals“.
Host: Aviram Uri
December 9, 2024
Speaker: Brian Skinner, Ohio State University
Title: “Chiral Wigner crystal phases induced by Berry curvature”.
Host: Leonid S. Levitov
Spring 2024
February 12, 2024
Speaker: Andreas Heinrich, Ewha Womans University
Title: ” Quantum sensing with atomic-scale spatial resolution”.
Host: Raymond Ashoori
February 19, 2024 (Presidents’ Day- Holiday. No Chez Pierre) seminar)
February 26, 2024
Speaker: TBA
Title: TBA
Host: TBA
March 4, 2024 (No Chez Pierre Seminar due to the March APS meeting)
March 11, 2024
Speaker: Sang-Wook Cheong, Rutgers University
Title: “Chirality and Kinetomagnetism”
Host: Riccardo Comin
March 18, 2024
Speaker: Dimitry Abanin, Princeton University
Title: “Temporal entanglement and complexity of non-Markovian quantum dynamics”
Host: Leonid Levitov
March 25, 2024 (Spring Break- No Chez Pierre seminar)
April 1, 2024
Speaker: Andrea Cavalleri, University of Oxford
Title: “Controlling ferroelectrics with light.”
Host: Nuh Gedik
April 8, 2024
Speaker: Philip Kim, Harvard University
Title: ” Radiofrequency reflectometry measurement of superfluid stiffness of 2D superconductors“.
Host: Long Ju
April 15, 2024 (Patriot’s Day – Holiday. No Chez Pierre seminar)
April 18, 2024 (Special Chez Pierre seminar-Thursday at 12pm)
Speaker: Chetan Nayak, Microsoft
Title: “RF Readout of Topological Qubits”
Host: Liang Fu
April 22, 2024
Speaker: Ilan Rosen, MIT
Title: “Emulating 2D materials on superconducting quantum computers”•Chez-Pierre-Announcement-poster-example-template.pdf
Host: William Oliver
April 29, 2024
Speaker: Rui-Rui Du, Rice University
Title: “Towards Bosonic Fractional Quantum Hall Effect in a Moat Band”
Host: Liang Fu
May 1, 2024 (Special Chez Pierre seminar -Wednesday at 12 pm)
Speaker: Liang Wu, University of Pennsylvania
Title: “Novel nonlinear optical response in 2D antiferromagnets”.
Host: Liang Fu
May 6, 2024
Speaker: Cui-Zu Chang, Penn State
Title: “The Art and Science of Molecular Beam Epitaxy—From Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect to Interfacial Superconductivity”.
Host: Long Ju
May 10, 2024 (Special Chez Pierre seminar- Friday at 10 am)
Speaker: Jeremy Levy, University of Pittsburgh
Title: “Correlated Nanoelectronics and the Second Quantum Revolution”
Host: Raymond Ashoori
May 13, 2024
Speaker: Ivan Brihuega, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM)
Title: “Shaping graphene properties at the atomic scale“
Host: Pablo Jarillo-Herrero
May 14, 2024 ( Special Chez Pierre seminar- Tues. at noon)
Speaker: Nagaosa Naoto, RIKEN Center for Emergent Matter Science (CEMS)
Title: ” Photocurrent without photo-induced carriers”
Host: Liang Fu
May 22, 2024 (Special Chez Pierre seminar- Wed. at 12:00 pm in the Cosman rm, 6C-422- CANCELLED)
Speaker: Jie Wang, Temple University
Title: Cancelled
Host: Liang Fu
May 22, 2024 (Special Chez Pierre seminar- Wed. at 2:00 pm in the Cosman rm, 6C-442) Hybrid Seminar
Speaker: Jong-Yeon Lee, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Title: “Understanding Phases and Transitions in Mixed State Topological Phases”
Host: Leonid S. Levitov
Fall 2023
September 11, 2023
Speaker: Cenke Xu, UCSB
Title: “Topology and Quantum Criticality under Weak-Measurement or Decoherence”.
Host: Liang Fu
September 18, 2023
Speaker: Trithep Devakul, Stanford University
Title: “Graphene trilayer with a helical twist.”
Host: Liang Fu
September 25, 2023
Speaker: Julia Mundy, Harvard University
Title:“Superconductivity in a layered square-planar nickelate”.
Host Riccardo Comin
October 2, 2023
Speaker: Zhi-Xun Shen, Stanford University
Title: “Surprises in the Phase Diagram – Electron Doped Cuprates“.
Host: Xiao-Gang Wen
October 2, 2023 (Special Chez Pierre seminar at 4pm)
Speaker: Dung-Hai Lee, UC Berkeley
Title: The physics of nodal spin triplet superconductivity: an application to UTe2″.
Host: Xiao-Gang Wen
October 4, 2023 (Special Chez Pierre seminar at 10am)
Speaker: Wenjin Zhao, Cornell University
Title: “Gate-tunable heavy fermions in a moiré Kondo lattice. ”
Host: Long Ju
October 9, 2023 (Holiday: Indigenous People’s Day. No Chez Pierre seminar)
October 16, 2023
Speaker: Lu Li, University of Michigan
Title: “Quantum Oscillations in Kondo Insulators and Mott Insulators”.
Host: Patrick Lee
October 17, 2023 (Special Chez Pierre seminar)
Speaker: Nandini Trivedi, The Ohio State University
Title: “Proposal to detect fractionalized excitations in quantum spin liquids”.
Host: Senthil Todadri
October 23, 2023
Speaker: Victor Brar, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Title: “Imaging charge carrier motion through multiple phase transitions in graphene.”
Host: Long Ju
October 30, 2023
Speaker: Shlomo Havlin, Bar-Ilan University
Title: “Interdependent Superconducting Networks”.
Host: Senthil Todadri
November 6, 2023
Speaker: Stevan Nadj-Perge, Caltech
Title: “Superconductivity and Strong Correlations in (un)-Twisted Graphene Multilayer Structures”.
Host: Long Ju
November 10, 2023 (Special Chez Pierre Seminar, Friday)
Speaker: Kin Fai Mak, Cornell University
Title: ” Thermodynamics and transport in a dipolar excitonic insulator”
Host: Liang Fu
November 13, 2023
Speaker: Hsin Lin Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica (Taiwan)
Title: “Feature Spectrum Topology”
Host: Liang Fu
November 20, 2023
Speaker: Fahad Mahmood, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
Title: “Coherent terahertz (THz) dynamics of collective excitations in a Weyl charge density wave”.
Host: Nuh Gedik
November 27, 2023
Speaker: Jun Zhu, Penn State University
Title: “Many-body ground states and collective excitations in a tunable 2D system”.
Host: Xiao-Gang Wen
November 28, 2023 (Special Chez Pierre seminar)
Speaker: Cristian Batista, University of Tennessee, Knoxville (UTK)
Title: “Dynamical structure factor of the triangular Heisenberg model”
Host: Liang Fu
November 29, 2023 (Special Chez Pierre seminar)
Speaker: Donna Sheng, California State University Northridge
Title: “Emerging D-Wave and Pairing Density Wave Superconductivity by Doping Square-Lattice Mott Insulators”
Host: Liang Fu
December 1, 2023 (Special Chez Pierre seminar)
Speaker: Mohit Randeria, Ohio State University
Title: ” Are there Upper Bounds on the Superconducting Tc?“
Host: Liang Fu
December 4, 2023
Speaker: Leo Radzihovsky, University of Colorado at Boulder
Title: “Coulomb Universality”
Host: Liang Fu
December 11, 2023
Speaker: Mengkun Liu, Stony Brook
Title: “Why 10 nm is an interesting length scale?- A magneto nano-optics perspective”•Chez-Pierre-Announcement-poster-example-template.pdf
Host: Long Ju
Spring 2023
February 13, 2023
Speaker: Yong Baek Kim, University of Toronto
Title: “Quantum Spin Liquids and Criticality in Multipolar Materials“
Host: Senthil Todadri
February 20, 2023 (Presidents’ Day- No Chez Pierre seminar)
February 23, 2023 (Special Chez Pierre seminar)
Speaker: Timothy Hsieh, Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Title: “Opening up quantum criticality”.
Host: Liang Fu
February 27, 2023
Speaker: Javier Sanchez-Yamagishi, University of California in Irvine (UCI)
Title: “Squeezing 3D to 2D: ultrathin bismuth crystals grown inside an atomically-flat van der Waals mold“
Host: Pablo Jarillo-Herrero
March 6, 2023 (No Chez Pierre Seminar due to the March APS meeting)
March 13, 2023
Speaker: TBA
Title: TBA
Hosts: TBA
March 20, 2023 (Cancelled)
March 27, 2023
Speaker: Suyang Xu, Harvard University
Title: “Axion optical control of antiferromagnetic order”.
Host: Liang Fu
April 3, 2023
Speaker: Ilija Zeljkovic, Boston College
Title: “Imaging the cascade of symmetry-broken electronic states in kagome superconductors”.
Host: Riccardo Comin
April 10, 2023
Speaker: Kun Yang, Florida State University
Title: “Interplay of Topology and Geometry in Fractional Quantum Hall Liquids.”
Host: Liang Fu
April 14, 2023 (Special Chez Pierre seminar)
Speaker: Ady Stern, Weizmann Institute of Science
Title: “On the interplay of localization, topology and symmetry”.
Host: Pablo Jarrillo Herrero
April 17, 2023 ( No Chez Pierre seminar due to Patriot’s Day)
April 24, 2023
Speaker: Vidya Madhavan, (UIUC)
Title: “Magnetic Field Induced Melting of a Charge Density Wave”.
Host: Liang Fu
May 1, 2023
Speaker: Zhanybek Alpichshev, Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA)
Title: “Shining light on Lead-Halide Perovskites: what optics can tell about the inner
workings of the Solar-Cell-champion material”.
Host: Nuh Gedik
May 8, 2023
Speaker: Zhiqiang Mao, Pennsylvania State University
Title: “Spin-valley locking, bulk quantum Hall effect and nonlinear Hall effect in anoncentrosymmetric Dirac material”.
Host: Liang Fu
May 15, 2023
Speaker: Benjamin Feldman, Standford University
Title: “Moiré band engineering: tuning the itineracy and topology of correlated states“.
Host: Raymond Ashoori
May 26, 2023 (Special Chez Pierre seminar)
Speaker: Qian Niu, University of Science and Technology, China
Title: “Particle view in crystals”.•Chez-Pierre-Announcement-poster-pdf22.pdf
Host: Liang Fu
Fall 2022
September 12, 2022
Speaker: Yu He, Yale University
Title: “Lattice fluctuation and electron-phonon coupling in a “failed” excitonic insulator”
Host: Long Ju
September 19, 2022
Speaker: Xiaodong Xu, Department of Physics, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Washington
Title: “Interacting Opto-Moiré Quantum Matter“
Host: Liang Fu
September 23, 2022 (Friday, Special Chez Pierre Seminar)
Speaker: Charles Kane, University of Pennsylvania
Title: “Topology of the Fermi Sea”
Host: Liang Fu
September 26, 2022
Speaker: Eun-Ah Kim, Cornell University
Title: “Quantum Fractional Insulator with fractons in twisted bilayer graphene”
Hosts: Joe Checkelsky
September 30, 2022 (Jointly Physics +DMSE special Chez Pierre seminar )
Speaker: Barbaros Oezyilmaz, National University of Singapore
Title: “Synthesis and properties of monolayer amorphous carbon and cobalt doped black phosphorus“
Hosts: Pablo Jarillo-Herrero
<br>October 3, 2022
Speaker: Yasin Ekinci, Paul Scherrer Institute
Title: “Advancing the lithography for more Moore and more than Moore”.
Host: Nuh Gedik
<br>October 10, 2022 (Holiday: Indigenous People’s Day. No Chez Pierre seminar)<br><br>
<br>October 11, 2022 (Tuesday, Special Chez Pierre seminar)
Speaker: Cenke Xu, University of California, Santa Barbara
Title: “An exotic metal-insulator transition and a quantum bad metal”.
Host: Liang Fu
<br>October 12, 2022 (Wednesday, Special Chez Pierre seminar)
Speaker: Erez Berg, Weiszman
Title: “Exotic Superconductivity in Graphene Multilayers.”
Host: Liang Fu
<br>October 17, 2022
Speaker: Matthieu Le Tacon, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Title: “Nematic liquid and unconventional charge-density-waves in BaNi2As2”.
Host: Riccardo Comin
<br>October 24, 2022
Speaker: Kevin Slagle, Rice University
Title: “A New Picture of Quantum Dynamics and A New Kind of Tensor Network”.
Host: Liang Fu
<br>October 31, 2022
Speaker: Nicholas Read, Yale University
Title: “Some recent results in the rigorous theory of short-range spin glasses”.
Host: Senthil Todadri
November 7, 2022
Speaker: Shiwei Zhang, Flatiron Institute
Title: “Magnetic orders, stripes, and superconductivity – insights from computations on the Hubbard model“.
Host: Liang Fu
November 8, 2022 (Tuesday, Special Chez Pierre Seminar)
Speaker: Leonid Glazman, Yale University
Title: “Disorder in Andreev reflection of a quantum Hall edge”.
Host: Liang Fu
November 10, 2022 (Thursday, Special Chez Pierre seminar)
Speaker: Chandra Varma, UC Berkeley
Title: “Quantum-Criticality and superconductivity in Twisted Bi-layer Graphene”.
Host: Liang Fu
November 14, 2022
Speaker: Debanjan Chowdhury, Cornell University
Title: “Superconductivity and competing orders in the flat-band limit.”
Host: Senthil Todadri
November 21, 2022
Speaker: TBA
Title: TBA
<br>November 28, 2022
Speaker: Shahal Ilani, Weizmann Institute
Title: “The Quantum Twisting Microscope”.
Host: Pablo Jarillo-Herrero
<br>November 30, 2022 (Wednesday, Special Chez Pierre seminar)
Speaker: Andrea Alù, CUNY
Title: “Extreme Control of Light and Sound with Metasurfaces“ù-_Chez-Pierre_announcement-poster.pdf
Host: Marin Soljacic
December 5, 2022
Speaker: Fan Zhang, University of Texas at Dallas
Title: “Interacting Electrons in Elementary Bilayer Graphene”
Host: Long Ju
December 12, 2022
Speaker: Sufei Shi, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Title: “Light-Matter Interaction in Flatland: Excitonic Physics in 2D“
Host: Long Ju
December 16, 2022 ( Friday, Special Chez Pierre seminar)
Speaker: Eslam Khalaf, University of Austin, Texas
Title: “Ideal flat bands, Topological phases, and charged excitations in graphene based moire systems”.
Host: Liang Fu
December 19, 2022
Speaker: Jia Leo Li, Brown University
Title: “Parity, time-reversal and rotational symmetry breaking in twisted trilayer graphene”.
Host: Liang Fu
Spring 2022
February 7, 2022 (Virtual Zoom Seminar)
Speaker: Bohm-Jung Yang, Seoul National University
Title: “Wave function geometry and anomalous Landau levels of flat bands”
Host: Riccardo Comin
February 14, 2022 (Virtual Zoom Seminar)
Speaker: Nai Phuan Ong, Princeton University
Title: “Oscillations of thermal conductivity and evidence for the planar thermal Hall conductivity in the Kitaev Magnet alpha-RuCl3″
Host: Patrick Lee
<br>February 21, 2021<br><br>No Chez Pierre Seminar due to President’s day holiday
February 28, 2022 (Virtual Zoom Seminar)
Speaker: Andrew Pierce, Harvard University
Title: “Fractional Chern insulators in twisted bilayer graphene”
Hosts: Pablo Herrror-Jarillo & Raymond Ashoori
<br>March 11, 2022 (Friday, Special Chez Pierre Seminar)
Speaker: Michael Horn-von Hoegen, Fakultät für Physik, Universität Duisburg-Essen
Title: “Optically excited structural transition in atomic wires on surfaces at the
quantum limit: a femtosecond electron diffraction study“
Host: Nuh Gedik
<br>March 14, 2022<br><br>No Chez Pierre Seminar due to the March APS meeting
<br>March 21, 2022<br><br>No Chez Pierre Seminar due the MIT Spring Break
<br>March 28, 2022 (Virtual Zoom Seminar)
Speaker: Carlo Beenakker, Lorentz Institute, Leiden, The Netherlands
Title: “Chirality inversion of Majorana edge modes in a Fu-Kane heterostructure”
Host: Leonid Levitov
<br>March 29, 2022 (Tuesday, Special Virtual Zoom seminar)
Speaker: Jian Wang, Peking University
Title: “Charge-4e and charge-6e superconductivity in kagome superconductor CsV3Sb5 ”
Host: liang Fu
April 4, 2022 (Virtual Zoom Seminar)
Speaker: Justin Song, Nanyang Technological University
Title: Quantum Geometric Collective Modes: “Berryogenesis” and Quantum Metric Plasmons
Host: Leonid Levitov
April 11, 2022
Speaker: Bo Zhen, University of Pennsylvania
Title: “Nonlinear topological photonics”
Host: Marin Soljacic
April 18, 2022
No Chez Pierre Seminar due to Patriots’ Day holiday
<br>April 20, 2022 (Wednesday, Special Chez Pierre seminar- Hybrid)
Speaker: Yaroslav Tserkovnyak, UCLA
Title: “Integrating quantum impurities with dissipative media: New probes and utilities of quantum materials”.
Host: Leonid Levitov
<br>April 25, 2022 (Hybrid Seminar)
Speaker: Liuyan Zhao, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Title: “Moiré magnetism in twisted double bilayer chromium triiodide”
Host: Long Ju
April 26, 2022 (Tuesday, Special Chez Pierre seminar)
Speaker: David Hsieh, Caltech
Title: “Strongly Driven Quantum Materials”
Host: Nuh Gedik
May 2, 2022 (Hybrid seminar)
Speaker: James Analytis, UC Berkeley
Title: “Strange metals and their strange parents”
Host: Senthil Todadri
<br>May 9, 2022 (Virtual Seminar)
Speaker: Ming Yi, Rice University
Title: “Emergent phases in geometrically frustrated lattices”
Host: Riccardo Comin
Fall 2021
September 13, 2021 (Virtual Zoom seminar)
Mark Rudner – University of Washington
“The Lindblad equation: not just for quantum optics anymore“
Host: Leonid Levitov
September 20, 2021 (<strong>Virtual Zoom seminar</strong>)
Inti Sodemann – Max Planck Institute
“Pseudo-scalar U(1) spin liquids in alpha-RuCl_3”
Host: Liang Fu
September 27, 2021
Joshua Javier “Shua” Sanchez – Massachusetts Institute of Technology
“Probing the Symmetry-Breaking Phases in Iron-based Superconductors with Combined Strain, Transport and X-ray Techniques”
Host: Riccardo Comin
October 4, 2021 (<strong>Virtual Zoom seminar</strong>)
Brad Ramshaw – Cornell University
“The Planckian Limit: a Fundamental Bound on Electron Scattering”
Host: Long Ju
October 11, 2021
No Chez Pierre Seminar due to Indigenous People Day holiday
October 19, 2021 (Tuesday, Special Chez Pierre seminar)
Philip Kim – Harvard University
“Toward realization of novel superconductivity based on twisted van der Waals Josephson junction in cuprates“
Host: Leonid Levitov
October 25, 2021
Nurit Avraham – Weizmann Institute
“Visualization of Topological Boundary Modes Manifesting Topological Nodal-Point Superconductivity“
Host: Greg Fiete
November 1, 2021
Ziqiang Wang – Boston College
“Correlated topological states in a new family of kagome superconductors”
Host: Patrick Lee
November 8, 2021 (Virtual Zoom Seminar)
Anaelle Legros – Johns Hopkins University
“Observation of cyclotron resonance and measurement of the cyclotron mass in La2-xSrxCuO4”
Host: Senthil Todadri
November 15, 2021
Darius Torchinsky – Temple University
“The Nonlinear Electrodynamics of Weyl Semimetals“
Host: Nuh Gedit
November 22, 2021
Silke Buehler-Paschen – Vienna University of Technology, Austria
“Superconductivity in the extreme strange metal YbRh2Si2“
Host: Joe Checkelsky
November 29, 2021 (Virtual Zoom Seminar)
Xi Ling – Boston University
“Spin-correlation of the light-matter interaction in van der Waals antiferromagnetic NiPS3 “
Host: Riccardo Comin
December 3, 2021 (Friday, Special Chez Pierre Seminar)
Giorgio Sangiovanni– Universitaet Wuerzburg
“Emergent honeycomb physics from chiral atomic orbitals on a triangular lattice”
Hosted: Riccardo Comin
December 6, 2021 (Virtual Zoom Seminar)
Yang Zhang – Massachusetts Institute of Technology
“Catalysis and topology in moiré semiconductor and metal“
Host: Liang Fu
Spring 2021, Fall 2020, Spring 2020, Fall 2019 , Spring 2019 Fall 2018, Spring 2018, Fall 2017, Spring 2017, Fall 2016, Spring 2016, Fall 2015, Spring 2015 , Fall 2014, Spring 2014, Fall 2013, Spring 2013, Fall 2012, Spring 2012, Fall 2011, Spring 2011, Fall 2010, Spring 2010, Fall 2009, Spring 2009, Fall 2008, Spring 2008, Fall 2007
Please contact the host for more info or if you would like to meet a speaker.
For more information about the series, please contact the Chez Pierre Seminar Chair.
If you would like to add or remove your email address from the Chez Pierre announcement e-mail list, please visit MIT’s mailing list administration page: MOIRA and enter “chezpierre” in the list name box.